- Google Books API exploitation
- Volumes
- Pagination
- Sorting
- Print Type
- Filtering
- Language
- Bookshelves
- Bookshelves "My Librairy"
- Volumes
- Data display (Frontend)
- Display the result with a thumbnail, title, publisher and date information
- Display the result with extra information
- Highlight the result with the term of the query searched
- Enhanced UI
- Local storage saved state
- Better design
- More responsive
- Backend implementation
- Implemented a very simple Python / Flask app
- Containerized the app
- Implement a first check health API
- Features:
- Account, profile, etc..
- My library functionality, etc..
- Data processing, ML, suggestion features etc..
- Tests
- Unit testing, almost all static rendering is covered
- Unit testing for logic, some done but still work to do..
- Continue Unit Testing & Integration testing
- Refactor
- 1st iteration of refactoring app -> better structure for testing
- 2nd iteration:
- General housekeeping and code DRYing
- Removed the local storage save of actual research -> not useful at all.. (hydrateStateWithLocalStorage and saveStateToLocalStorage functions)
- SRP applied as most as possible
- Reduce large functions and large components
- Improved UI
- Features:
- Updated the API health check feature
- Changed the language selection
- Improve the form part of the code with Formik
cd bookapp/
npm i
npm start
cd bookapp/
npm test --verbose
- Deploy react app
NB: PRE-REQUISITE: heroku account, heroku CLI installed.
cd bookapp/
heroku login
git init
heroku create -b
git add .
git commit -m "react-create-app on Heroku"
git push heroku master
heroku open
heroku apps:rename newname --app oldname
- Deploy whole app with backend to local using docker.
NB: PRE-REQUISITE: docker installed, from root directory.
make deploy
- Deploy whole app with backend to heorku.
NB: PRE-REQUISITE: docker installed, heroku account, heroku CLI installed, from root directory.
make setup
make heroku
- Deploy a containerized app in the localhost.
make deploy
- Clean environment.
make clean
- Setup heroku. (to do it one time)
make setup
- Deploy the containerized app the production environment to heroku.
make heroku