
A list of themes for Cesium for the TI-84 Plus CE

MIT LicenseMIT


A list of themes for Cesium for the TI-84 Plus CE

I hope to eventually convert this from a BASIC program to an ASM program that can actually apply the themes to Cesium. To look at how to actually use Cesium, go to the README under CS-133/Cesium/


There's 8 themes so far, which at some point will need improvement. They are:

  1. Default Cesium
  2. 84+ CE
  3. "Mateoconlechuga"
  4. Dark-Aqua
  5. Gruvbox-Light
  6. Gruvbox-Dark
  7. A Tribe Called Quest (ATCQ), and
  8. Coral SLushie

I can only add 8 at a time to the current program, but feel free to change them, mess with 'em, and add some comments on this page!