
A summary of my thoughts on .NET collections. Probably also an opinionated guide on how to use them.


Regular collections

  • Concrete implementations
    • General purpose: List, HashSet, Dictionary etc.
    • Special purpose: Stack, Queue, LinkedList etc.
  • Read-write collection interfaces
    • IList, ISet, ICollection etc.
  • Read-only collection interfaces
    • IReadOnlyCollection, IReadOnlyList, IReadOnlyDictionary etc.
  • Enumerations
    • IEnumerable, which is pretty much a wrapper on IEnumerator.

Immutable collections

  • Implementations
    • ImmutableDictionary, ImmutableArray etc.
  • Interfaces
    • IImmutableDictionary, IImmutableList etc.

Thread-safe collections

  • Implementations
    • ConcurrentBag, ConcurrentDictionary, ConcurrentQueue, ConcurrentStack etc.
  • Interfaces
    • IProducerConsumerCollection (?)


  • AsyncEnumerable, AsyncEnumerator


  • Non-generic collections
  • Those things from ObjectModel namespace
    • ReadOnlyCollection etc.


IReadOnly.* interfaces don't expose writable methods, but that alone doesn't guarantee immutability. One who has access to the collection's internals can still modify it:

void Main()
	var coll = new List<string>(){"a", "b", "c"};
	Action foo = () => { coll.Add("q"); };
	DoThings(coll, foo);

void DoThings(IReadOnlyCollection<string> coll, Action callback)
	for (int i=0; i<3; ++i){
		var text = string.Join(", ", coll);


a, b, c
a, b, c, q
a, b, c, q, q

In order to achieve true immutability, one needs the I?Immutable.* collections.