
CHM13 cytoband positions for building an ideogram

mike-molnar opened this issue · 4 comments


Thanks for all your great work in building the CHM13 assembly! I would like to plot some of my results of v2.0 using karyoploteR, and I am able to build a custom ideogram, but I cannot find a file with the positions of the cytobands. I see the centromere and telomere files for v1.1 on the UCSC table browser, but I was wondering if there is a BED file with all of the cytoband positions?


Hi Mark,

Awesome! Thanks for the quick reply.


Hi Mike, I put the V2.0 cytoband BED here: Mark

Hi Diekhans,

The link is broken, can you provide it again?

Thanks a lot !
Huihui Li