
Associated materials for the Mid-Atlantic Microbiome Meet-up (M3)

Primary LanguagePython

Winter 2019 Mid-Atlantic Microbiome Meetup

Taxonomic Identification Workshop

Logging onto the server

There is username and password at the back of your name tag.

ssh USERNAME@openclass.umiacs.umd.edu

Enter your password. Once you are logged in, you should be able to see m3taxworkshop folder in your directory.

Tip: You might want to type your password in to a text document on your computer, so you can copy and paste it if you need to log in later.

Now, download this github repository:

git clone https://github.com/shahnidhi/m3-taxonomy-workshop.git

We will run all our exercises in an interactive job. To start an interactive job run the following command

srun --pty --partition class --account=class --qos class --mem=8g --time=04:00:00 bash

We've also created an alias for this, so you can just type int and that should work too. As a reminder you can close your interactive job by typing exit.

If you are using your UMIACS account you need to run the following to set up your environment when you first log in:


This will set up your environement and log you out. Log back in and you should be good to go.

Tools we will run today:

Here are the tools we'll be working with today:

  1. RDP
  2. Kraken
  3. BLAST
  4. TIPP


HMP Stool Samples

We selected a subset of 10 stool samples sequenced by the Human Microbiome Project using V1V3 marker gene methods.

Location - ~/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/

Halite (Salt Rock) from the Atacama Desert, Chile

This whole metagenomic shotgun sequencing study characterized the microbial communities in halite modules in the Atacama Desert, and in particular their response to unusual rainfall in August 2015. Samples are from four time points (pre-rain in Sep 2014 and June 2015 and post rain in Feb 2016 and Feb 2017) with five replicates for each time point.
Special thanks to Gherman Uritskiy and Jocelyne DiRuggiero for providing the data!
The preprint including this data can be found at https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/10/13/442525

Location - ~/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/atacama_halite_timeline/

Machine Learning Approaches

Running RDP classifier

For this part, we are going to use the hmp stool dataset and the RDP classifier.

To run the RDP classifier, you input you representative set sequences and it outputs a text file with taxonomic assignments and confidence values for each sequence.

You can run RDP using the following command:

java -jar /fs/m3taxworkshop/software/RDPTools/classifier.jar classify /fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/stool_sample_subset_rep_set_filtered_final.fna -o hmp_stool_rdp.txt

OR if you don't want to type the full command, you can use our wrapper script:

cd ~/m3-taxonomy-workshop/run_rdp

assign_taxonomy.sh -h

assign_taxonomy.sh /fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/stool_sample_subset_rep_set_filtered_final.fna -o hmp_stool_rdp.txt

RDP is also part of QIIME's script assign_taxonomy.py. If you have QIIME installed, the command would look like this to obtain classifications with a 80% confidence:

assign_taxonomy.py -m rdp -o rdp_taxonomy_stool_v1v3 -i /fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/stool_sample_subset_rep_set_filtered_final.fna -c 0.8

We have also provided a python script that extracts some information about our taxonomic assignments.

python format_rdp_output_to_csv.py -t hmp_stool_rdp.txt -o hmp_stool_rdp -q /fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/stool_sample_subset_rep_set_filtered_final.fna 

Fast Metagenomic Profiling Methods

Running Kraken

Kraken is a k-mer-based taxonomic classification tool. Here's a study comparing the performance of Kraken with other k-mer-based (and some non-k-mer-based) taxonomic classifiers: https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1186/s13059-017-1299-7.

For the exercise, make sure you're interactively logged in and then change to your home folder: cd ~

Let's search with Kraken1:

cd ~/m3-taxonomy-workshop/run_kraken
kraken --db /fs/m3taxworkshop/databases/kraken/minikraken1_8GB/ --threads 4 /fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/stool_sample_subset_rep_set_filtered_final.fna > hmp.kraken

Next we'll create the Kraken report:

kraken-report --db /fs/m3taxworkshop/databases/kraken/minikraken1_8GB/ hmp.kraken > hmp.kreport
head -n5 hmp.kreport

Running Kraken2

Next we'll try the updated version, Kraken2:

kraken2 --db /fs/m3taxworkshop/databases/kraken/minikraken2_8GB/ --threads 4 --report hmp.kreport2 /fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/stool_sample_subset_rep_set_filtered_final.fna > hmp.kraken2

Let's check the output now:

head -n5 hmp.kreport2

Visulazing these results


Database searching - sequence alignment based approaches

Running BLAST

cd ~/m3-taxonomy-workshop/run_blast/blast_toy_example
makeblastdb -in database.fasta -out database.fasta -dbtype nucl
blastn -h
blastn -query query.fasta  -db database.fasta  -outfmt " 6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qseq sseq qlen " -out blast.out -num_threads 4

Check this site to learn more about BLAST tabulated output format headers.

Running outlier detection pipeline

We need python3 environment and python packages such as scipy, networkx, python-louvain. We have created a virtual environment with all these installed, you just have to source it

export PYTHONPATH=''
source /fs/m3taxworkshop/software/outlier_env/bin/activate

We are going to work on HMP stool dataset here, and use SILVA v.128 database in this example.

  • Query sequences: /fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/stool_sample_subset_rep_set_filtered_final.fna
  • Database sequences: /fs/m3taxworkshop/databases/silva/SILVA_132_SSURef_Nr99_tax_silva_subset.fasta
  • Database taxonomy: /fs/m3taxworkshop/databases/silva/silva_nr_99_subset_taxonomy.tsv

Staging BLAST output for hmp stool dataset

cd ~/m3-taxonomy-workshop/run_blast/hmp_example

You can copy the BLAST output to your current directory or run the blastn command (takes about 5 mins).

cp ~/m3taxworkshop/previous_run/blast/stool_blast.out.gz .
gunzip stool_blast.out.gz 
blastn -query /fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/stool_sample_subset_rep_set_filtered_final.fna -db /fs/m3taxworkshop/databases/silva/SILVA_132_SSURef_Nr99_tax_silva_subset.fasta -outfmt " 6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qseq sseq qlen " -out stool_blast.out -num_threads 4

Check outlier detection pipeline options and run on stool sample dataset

run_pipeline.py -h
run_pipeline.py -q /fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/stool_sample_subset_rep_set_filtered_final.fna -b stool_blast.out -t /fs/m3taxworkshop/databases/silva/silva_nr_99_subset_taxonomy.tsv -o stool_blast_outlier

Check specifically these files in the output folder:

  1. results_outliers.txt - a tsv with reads and relevant DB sequences
  2. results_partition_map_FINAL.txt - partition number to DB sequence mapping
  3. results_read_to_partition_assignment.txt - partition assignment for reads
  4. consensus_taxonomy_based_on_outliers.txt - LCA of outliers

Computing the number of reads classified at each taxonomic rank

python ~/m3-taxonomy-workshop/utils/format_output_to_csv.py \
    -q /fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/stool_sample_subset_rep_set_filtered_final.fna \
    -t stool_blast_outlier/consensus_taxonomy_based_on_outliers.txt \
    -o FINAL_stool_blast_outlier
python ~/m3-taxonomy-workshop/utils/format_output_to_csv.py \
    -q /fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/stool_sample_subset_rep_set_filtered_final.fna \
    -t stool_blast_outlier/consensus_taxonomy_based_on_partition.txt \
    -o FINAL_stool_blast_partition

and examining the read count for genus-level classification

cat FINAL_stool_blast_outlier_species.csv
cat FINAL_stool_blast_partition_species.csv

Phylogenetic methods

Running TIPP pipeline

If you are still in python3 environment, run deactivate

Because TIPP needs python2, switch to python2 environment by running

source /fs/m3taxworkshop/test_user_profile.sh
source /fs/m3taxworkshop/software/tipp_env/bin/activate
export PYTHONPATH=/fs/m3taxworkshop/software/tipp_env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH


  • Set of query sequences, i.e., fragments/reads of unknown origin
  • Reference alignment and tree or taxonomy

Run on small example

cd ~/m3-taxonomy-workshop/run_tipp/tipp_small_example/
run_tipp.py -a /fs/m3taxworkshop/software/tipp/refpkg/RDP_2016_Bacteria.refpkg/pasta.fasta \
            -t /fs/m3taxworkshop/software/tipp/refpkg/RDP_2016_Bacteria.refpkg/pasta.taxonomy \
            -r /fs/m3taxworkshop/software/tipp/refpkg/RDP_2016_Bacteria.refpkg/RAxML_info.taxonomy \
            -tx /fs/m3taxworkshop/software/tipp/refpkg/RDP_2016_Bacteria.refpkg/taxonomy.table \
            -txm /fs/m3taxworkshop/software/tipp/refpkg/RDP_2016_Bacteria.refpkg/species.mapping \
            -A 100 \
            -P 1000 \
            -at 0.95 \
            -pt 0.95 \
            -f small_example.fasta \
            -o TIPP_RDP_small_example \
            --tempdir tmp \
            --cpu 2

This will take 5-6 minutes to finish. In the meantime, let's break down the command. The first five options specify files included for the reference

  • -a [reference multiple sequence alignment -- fasta format]
  • -t [reference taxonomy -- newick format]
  • -r [reference tree model parameters -- RAxML info file]
  • -tx [mapping taxonomic id to taxonomy information -- csv]
  • -txm [mapping sequence names to taxonomic IDs -- csv]

The next two options specify the decomposition of the reference alignment and tree into subsets.

  • -A [alignment subset size]
  • -P [placement subset size]

TIPP was run with support thresholds of 0.95, which is the default.

The next two options specify the input and output.

  • -f [fragment file -- fasta]
  • -o [prefix of output files]

To see all of the TIPP options, run

run_tipp.py -h

By now TIPP must have finished and written the following files

  • classification information -- csv
  • phylogenetic placement information -- json
  • alignment on both the reference and query sequences -- fasta

The classification file shows the support of classifying sequences at each taxonomic rank. Check out the support for each read classified at the species level

grep ",species," TIPP_RDP_small_example_classification.txt

Picking up from our break!

(If your run didn't finish and still want to look at the output, you can copy the output files already generated before. So, let's cd to where you should be and copy these files:

cd ~/m3-taxonomy-workshop/run_tipp/tipp_small_example/
cp /fs/m3taxworkshop/previous_run/tipp/tipp_small_example/TIPP_RDP_small_example* .

Computing the number of reads classified at each taxonomic rank

python ../utils/restructure_tipp_classification.py \
    -i TIPP_RDP_small_example_classification.txt \
    -o FINAL_TIPP_small_example

and examining the read count for species-level classification

cat FINAL_TIPP_small_example_species.csv

What do read counts look like at the genus and family level?

Before moving on, repeat this portion of the tutorial running TIPP with a lower alignment/placement support threshold (e.g., 0.50). What do the support values look like for reads classified at the species level? How does the number of reads unclassified at the species level compare to TIPP run with an alignment/placement support threshold of 0.95?

Run TIPP on HMP stool sample

cd ~/m3-taxonomy-workshop/run_tipp/hmp_example
sh ../wrapper_tipp_script.sh /fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/stool_sample_subset_rep_set_filtered_final.fna FINAL_stool_hmp

If you don't want to run this, we have already provided output in out/ folder. You can analyze the result files FINAL_stool_hmp* and what are the differences from the previous tools' outputs.

Copying files from the server to your computer

Here's an example with the singularity containers. You'll want to open a new Terminal on your computer and enter the following:

scp -r USER@openclass.umiacs.umd.edu:/fs/m3taxworkshop/images/ ./m3_taxa_singularity_images/

Once you enter your password that will copy the files to the directory you're currently in. Note, these are quite large (~ 2.5 GB). More information on running the singularity containers can be found here: https://gitlab.umiacs.umd.edu/derek/m3taxworkshop.

Similarly, to download the data you generated during the workshop, run the following command:

scp -r USER@openclass.umiacs.umd.edu:/classhomes/USER/m3-taxonomy-workshop/ ./m3_taxa_workshop_output/

To download the test datasets we used in the workshop, run the following command:

scp -r USER@openclass.umiacs.umd.edu:/fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/ ./m3_taxa_workshop_test_datasets/

Note, this is very large (~ 40 GB), mostly due to the metagenome files in the atacama_halite_timeline directory. If you just want the small sample HMP data we used at the workshop, you can run:

scp -r USER@openclass.umiacs.umd.edu:/fs/m3taxworkshop/data/1-datasets/hmp/ ./m3_taxa_workshop_hmp_test_datasets/

which is a much smaller dataset.