
Various Capn Proto 0.7.0 issues on less popular architectures

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satta commented

While updating mash packages in the Debian operating system, we noticed that since the release of (and building against) Capn Proto 0.7.0 builds on various platforms fail. See for more details -- clicking on "Build-Attempted" will show a full build log.

It looks like on sparc64 and armhf, a SIGBUS is generated while running mash to create the Sphinx documentation. On the other platforms (mips, s390x, hppa, and PowerPC), it looks like results generated in test cases do not match the reference output in the tests. On older Capn Proto versions (>=0.6.1 but <0.7.0) these problems did not occur.

I was wondering whether you can help to shed some light on this situation? Are these tests expected to work on these architectures or did they just work by chance before? If you have any pointers for tracking down these issues (such as some 'usual suspects' you can think of) we would be happy to hear about them. If we can't fix the issues then we would need to remove mash for these platforms from Debian, which I can certainly do but probably not as the first option ;)

Thanks in advance!