
parsnp: error: the following arguments are required: -d/--sequences

Phylloxera opened this issue · 4 comments

parsnp_linux/parsnp -r England1.fna -d genomes/*.fna -c -p 4 -o test3
runs fine
parsnp_linux/parsnp –r CP030241.fasta –d fasta/*.fasta -x YES -o xyes_cno
gives error in title. any ideas?

Hi @Phylloxera!

The -x argument is a "flag" that sets the xtrafast option to true, i.e. it takes no parameters. If that doesn't fix the problem, I'd recommend trying a more recent version of parsnp. Please let me know if neither of these options work!


Thanks @bkille,

If -x is xtrafast, what is the flag for phipak? -x used to be the recombination detector:
Enable recombination detection/filter (-x)
parsnp -r ./strep31/NC_011900.fna -d ./strep31 -p -c -x

It started working and I have no explanation why! First it gave a more reasonable error for -x YES as opposed to the one in the title and then started working swimmingly??? Probably not reproducible but I'm on a CENTOS server.

At present, version 1.5.3 is the most recent release on this repo with a precompiled binary.

Thanks again!

So the older version of parsnp actually had the xtrafast and phipack flags duplicated, i.e. -x would (and still does) activate the recombination detection. I'll update the --help documentation in the next release.

As far as getting a more updated binary goes, would you be interested in installing via conda? Its been our preferred route for some time, since it makes it easier to ensure that the dependencies are also installed and the correct versions.

not a fan of conda... but if I containerize this (singularity), I'll be happy to do via conda within the container.
right now I'm not getting any snps output with harvesttools, but that's an issue for a different repo :)
in the past i've used the gui on a mac, but i'm wanting to run it all on linux so i can incorporate it into pipelines in the future.

thanks for the clarification.