
Test suite for Verkko.

Primary LanguagePerl

A regression test suite and historical results for the Verkko assembler.


This is a set of scripts and configurations to compare results of Verkko across different code points. The driver script will update a local copy of the verkko github repo, checkout a specific version of Verkko, and launch a (user-supplied) set of assemblies.

Each assembly will compare itself against a reference genome (using quast) and then compare quast results against a previously chosen curated assembly and report differences in the quast results.


The main driver is regression.pl. This will update the local repo, checkout a specific version of Verkko, build, and then launch assemblies on the grid.

The "chosen curated assembly" can be updated using update-refasm.sh.


Nothing more than a list of special dates. There aren't any yet.

Date Hash Milestone
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