
Sample project using kafka

Primary LanguageC#

Kafka App

Use Avro to generate classes

dotnet tool install -g Confluent.Apache.Avro.AvroGen

avrogen -s your_schema.asvc .

To Run

  1. docker-compose up -d
  2. Run apps


Single typed message topics

If you need a single typed Producer/Consumer such as for Avro or just for a single type you can use: BaseConsumer<TKey, TValue>/BaseProducer<TKey, TValue> or SingleTypeJsonConsumer<TKey, TValue>/SingleTypeJsonProducer<TKey, TValue>

Multi typed message topics (eg. Event Sourcing)

You can use MultiTypeJsonConsumer<TKey, TValue>/MultiTypeJsonProducer<TKey, TValue>

With this type of Consumer/Producer the result you will get back will be of type ConsumeResult<long, object> which you can then either use something like Mediatr or a simple type switch statement to perform actions the typed messages you have received for processing.