
This is The Hero Editor Tutorial based on angular2-sass-gulp-heroku boilerplate

Primary LanguageTypeScript



Node.js version 4.0.0 or greater is required. For instructions about installing Node.js, refer Node.js Website

Getting started

Clone this repo into new project folder (e.g., angular2-app).

git clone git@github.com:marc-maillard/angular-2-tutorial.git angular2-app
cd angular2-app

This app has angular-cli as a dependency. So, you can use all the available commands in it.

You can also use SASS or CSS depending on what you are comfortable with. Just use appropriate extensions(.scss or .css)

Install npm packages

Install the npm packages described in the package.json and verify that it works:

Attention Windows Developers: You must run all of these commands in administrator mode

npm install

Running the application

To run the application locally, execute:

npm start

Shut it down manually with Ctrl-C.

npm scripts

We've captured many of the most useful commands in npm scripts defined in the package.json:

  • npm start - Starts the application in development environment and also watches for file changes.
  • npm run pree2e - ONE TIME update for protractor end-to-end (e2e) tests. Installs the webdriver locally for the project

Angular CLI commands

you can use all the angular-cli commands within this app. Few useful commands are:

  • ng e2e: Run end-to-end tests
  • ng test: Start Jasmine/Karma test-suite

Structure for 'app' directory

├── src
│   ├── app
│   │   ├── components
│   │   ├── pipes
│   │   ├── services
│   │   ├── shared
│   │   │   └── index.ts
│   │   ├── environment.ts
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   ├── site.component.html
│   │   ├── site.component.scss
│   │   ├── site.component.spec.ts
│   │   └── site.component.ts

Once you run npm start, a directory named dist will be created.

'index.html' is the entry point of the application.

As per this structure, it will be easy if you:

  • keep all components in the 'components' folder
  • keep the templates and CSS/SCSS related to components in specific component folder
  • keep all pipes in the 'pipes' folder
  • keep all services in the 'services' folder

In this project 'site.component' is the first component to load, but you can change it. To create new components, services, pipes etc in their respective directories. Checkout the documentation of angular-cli. e.g. for creating a header component in this project you can run:

ng g component components/header

This will create the new component in the components directory itself.

Moreover, you can create any other folders to hold TypeScript files within 'app' directory, the compilation will recursively compile and create appropriate structure in the 'dist' directory.

Bootstrap SASS is already included in the application using the 'styles/main.scss' file. If you like using SASS only, you can create further SCSS files within same directory or component specific directories. SASS compilation is already enabled in this app.

This app uses ng2-bootstrap for getting angular2 compatible bootstrap components. You can find one example in site component in this project.


This repo adds both karma/jasmine unit test and protractor end-to-end testing support.

These tools are configured for specific conventions described below.

It is unwise and rarely possible to run the application, the unit tests, and the e2e tests at the same time. it is recommended that you shut down one before starting another.

End-to-end (E2E) Tests

BEFORE RUNNING THE FIRST TEST you must update the Selenium webdriver. Run

npm run pree2e

You will also need to start you app using

npm start

E2E tests are usually at the project root, in the 'e2e' folder Their filenames must end in e2e.ts.

Look for the example e2e.ts in the root folder. Add more e2e.ts files as you wish (although one usually suffices for small projects);

Thereafter, in another terminal window/tab run them with:

ng e2e

Unit Tests

To initiate karma test runner, run:

ng test

Deploying on Heroku

You must have an account to create an app on Heroku.

You also need to install & Log into Heroku Toolbelt on your development machine

Following are the steps for Heroku deployment(If you haven't created a Heroku app from Dashboard & also haven't initiated git locally):

  1. Initiate GIT in your project using git init
  2. Create a Heroku App using heroku create from the root of the project.
  3. Once created, verify the remote in your git configuration using git remote -v
  4. Deploy using git push heroku master

Following are the steps for Heroku deployment(If you have created the Heroku app from Dashboard & have already initiated git in your local project):

  1. Run heroku git:remote -a [YOUR-APP-NAME], to add heroku remote in your git configuration.
  2. Deploy using git push heroku master