
Simple C++ test framework used by other projects

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Simple C++ test framework based on Qt, but not on QTest.
The framework consists of one header only and needs no compilation.

Test setup

Class tests are created by deriving a test class from QObject in a header file and defining private slots for each test case.

#include "TestFramework.h"

private slots:

	void TestCase1()
		I_EQUAL(1+1, 2)

	void TestCase2()

The execution of all test classes is executed by this simple call:

#include "TestFramework.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	return TFW::run(argc, argv);

Text executable command-line parameters

The test executable can be invoked with these parameters:

  • -s Filter string for test cases. Tests that conain the string (case-sensitive) are executed.
  • -l Test case list file. Tests that are contained in the given text file are executed.
  • -h Prints a short help.

Basic comparison macros

  • IS_TRUE(expression) Checks that the expression evaluates to true.
  • IS_FALSE(expression) Checks that the expression evaluates to false.
  • I_EQUAL(actual, expected) Integer equality check.
  • F_EQUAL(actual, expected) Float equality check (with default accuracy).
  • F_EQUAL2(actual, expected, delta) Float equality ceck (with custom accuracy).
  • S_EQUAL(actual, expected) String equality check.
  • X_EQUAL(actual, expected) General equality check.
  • IS_THROWN(exception, expression) Checks that the exception type is thrown by the expression.

##File handling macros

  • EXECUTE(toolname, arguments) Executes a tool from the same folder and checks the error code.
  • EXECUTE_FAIL(toolname, arguments) Executes a tool from the same folder and ignores the error code.
  • TESTDATA(filename) Locates test data relative to the test source file.
  • REMOVE_LINES(filename, regexp) Removes lines that match the given QRegExp form a file.
  • COMPARE_FILES(actual, expected) File equality check.
  • COMPARE_GZ_FILES(actual, expected) File equality check for gzipped files.