😃 About

Hey! I'm Marc

Web frontend ⚛️ developer but working on Rust projects 🦀 in my spare time.

My personal website is mespin.me.

💼 Some of my projects

  • 🦀 Freya - Cross-platform Rust GUI library powered by Skia and Dioxus.
  • ⚒️ Valin - Cross-platform code editor written in Freya and Rust.
  • 🦑 ghboard - GitHub Dashboard with contributions graphs, made in Rust.
  • 🚀 Graviton Editor - Modern-looking cross-platform code editor made with Tauri.
  • 📻 Dioxus Radio - State management library for Dioxus based on topics subscription.
  • 🔍 Dioxus Query - Reusable state management library for Dioxus.
  • 🔠 lenar - Dummy programming language written in Rust.