
Pipeline to process bulk RNA-seq data

Primary LanguageShell

RNA-seq pipeline

Pipeline to map RNA-seq reads using STAR 2.5.2b and GRCh38 Gencode v26.

Downloading pre-requisites

Download the STAR aligner, samtools, htslib, picard tools, references fastas, and GTF annotations

cd bin
cd ref
cd ../../

Mapping with STAR requires that the reference genome is indexed. This needs to be done for a specific read length (e.g. 75 read lengths need a separate genome index from 150 base pair read lengths). This script builds the reference genome SA index for STAR

cd bin/gencode26_align
qsub run_genomeGenerate.pass1.sh
cd ../../


It's much easier to map multiple samples if there is a key containing the samples, fastq files, and their paths. This script creates a key that maps sample IDs, fastq files, its flow cell, lane, and path. This requires that the fastq files be structured in a directory where each folder in this parent directory is a sample directory, and all fastq files within the sample directory come from that one sample. This also assumes that the reads are paired. I don't have anything for single-end reads at the moment. By default, the key is output in a file sample/sample.fastq.txt. You can make this file by hand with the columns

sample instrument run_number flow_cell lane path

where path contains the path to the fastq files with R1 and R2 separated by a semicolon, for example R1.fastq.gz;R2.fastq.gz.

cd bin/gencode26_align
python get_seq_key.py
cd ../../

The pass 1 alignment script maps the reads to detect splice junctions.

cd bin/gencode26_align
qsub map_pass1.py
cd ../../

We collect the splice junctions from the mapping to create a second genome, with these junctions added to the reference genome.

cd bin/gencode26_align
cd ../../

We create the second genome SA index

cd bin/gencode26_align
qsub run_genomeGenerate.pass2.sh
cd ../../

Map to second pass genome

cd bin/gencode26_align
qsub map_pass2.py
cd ../../

QC for each of the sequencing runs. This pulls mapping statistics output by STAR, as well as runs PicardTools' CollectRnaSeqMetrics

cd bin/gencode26_align
python get_map_stats.py
qsub run_picard.sh
cd ../../

Merge the QC output into 1 file

cd bin/gencode26_align
Rscript merge_mapstats_persample.R
python merge_picard_persample.py
cd ../../

We add in the read group information into the BAM files, and then sort by position

cd bin/gencode26_align
qsub add_rg_sort.pass2.sh
cd ../../

Merge the BAM files for each sample

cd bin/gencode26_align
qsub merge_rg.pass2.sh
cd ../../

Sort reads by read name for input to featureCounts

cd bin/gencode26_align
qsub sortByRN.sh
cd ../../

Read counts at genes using featureCounts

cd bin/gencode26_align
qsub run_featureCounts_pass2.sh
cd ../../

Format featureCounts output

cd bin/gencode26_align
qsub run_featureCounts_pass2.sh
cd ../../