
Responsive Hugo theme inspired in YouTube layout

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

HugoTube - Responsive Bootstrap 4 Youtube-like theme

Hugo theme based on the Youtube layout.


HugoTube Theme screenshot

Table of Contents


  • Mobile design first with Bootstrap 4 grid
  • Using Hugo pipes to generate one
    • CSS file from SCSS
    • Javascript file from multiple JS
  • Choose Share Buttons type

Customize styles for your website

If you want to change some styling to fit your own website needs, copy the following files to your website root path and edit them:

  • assets/sass/custom_variables.scss: customize variables used by Bootstrap.
  • assets/sass/styles.scss: your main website styles with all Bootstrap variables avaiable.



Run the following commands inside your Hugo site folder:

$ git clone https://github.com/marcanuy/hugotube.git themes/hugotube

Alternatively use git submodules in order to have a way to easily update the theme from the source in case you have your site in git as well. For this run the following commands inside your Hugo site folder:

$ git submodule add https://github.com/marcanuy/hugotube.git themes/hugotube

If you checkout your site from a repository which has this added as a submodule (e.g. if you are using CI to deploy), execute following commands or put them into a initgit.sh file in your repository which can be executed by your CI:

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

In order to update all the existing submodules from their upstreams, you can either go into each submodule root folder and do the normal git pull or execute following command:

$ git submodule foreach git pull

Using theme

After installing In order to see your site in action, run Hugo's built-in local server.

$ hugo server -t hugotube

Now enter localhost:1313 in the address bar of your browser.

Or just set theme = "hugotube" in your configuration.

Developing Theme

Bootstrap variables customization

In assets/scss/custom_variables.scss we can customize any Bootstrap variable and then import the complete Bootstrap styles which will incorporate our custom design:

Then use all Bootstrap variables theme's styles at assets/scss/styles.scss.

More on Bootstrap 4 customization: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/getting-started/theming/#variable-defaults.

Updating Bootstrap

Bootstrap is a package.json dependency, it can easily be updated with make update.


Run make install to install theme dependencies.

Build css

Run make build to generate CSS styles and copy the necessary Javascript libraries.