ANTLR4 Toy language compiler that generates JVM bytecode
To build you'll need JDK 8
or newer. The build process is so simple that I've decided not to use any build tools.
To generate the parser code from the LANSet.g4 file run
To build the compiler and generate the jar file run
If there are no errors you should have lansetc.jar
in the current directory.
Let's create a file called example.lans
and paste some example code:
programa example
escriureln("Hello world!");
Compile it to generate example.class
java -jar lansetc.jar example.lans
and run it!
java example
You should see the familiar string printed in your terminal.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/antlr/v4/runtime/TokenSource
- The jar needs to have access to lib/antlr-4.9.2-complete.jar in the current folder.