AudioLand.DUB NextJS

Install packages

To install all packages that we use, run this command:

npm install

Run the application

Run frontend

To run frontend locally, run this command:

npm run dev

Also this project use some services:

  • Firestore
  • Firebase Storage
  • Firebase Cloud Functions
  • Stripe

And you may need run some of them locally

Run Firebase emulators

To run Firebase emulators (Firestore, Firebase Storage, Firebase Cloud Functions) locally, run this command:

npm run firebase:emulators:start

Run Stripe

To run Stripe locally, run this command:

npm run stripe:listen:local

Or if you want to run it locally in docker, run this command:

npm run stripe:listen:docker

Deploy to Firebase

You can deploy each Firestore rules, Firebase Storage rules, Firebase Cloud Functions

Deploy Firestore rules

To deploy to development project, run this command:

npm run firebase:firestore:rules:deploy:dev

To deploy to production project, run this command:

npm run firebase:firestore:rules:deploy:prod

Deploy Firebase Storage rules

To deploy to development project, run this command:

npm run firebase:storage:rules:deploy:dev

To deploy to production project, run this command:

npm run firebase:storage:rules:deploy:prod

Deploy Firebase Cloud Functions

To deploy to development project, run this command:

npm run firebase:functions:deploy:dev

To deploy to production project, run this command:

npm run firebase:functions:deploy:prod

Please note that we use Github Actions, so if you make a pull request or commit in main, you don't need to run the deployment command every time