bun run install
bun run dev
Access the application at http://localhost:3000
or through the provided URL.
Modify app/config.tsx
to adjust settings and configurations for the AI-powered voice assistant. Here’s an overview of the available options:
export const config = {
// Inference settings
inferenceModelProvider: 'openai', // 'groq' or 'openai'
inferenceModel: 'gpt-3.5-turbo', // Groq: 'llama3-70b-8192' or 'llama3-8b-8192'.. OpenAI: 'gpt-4-turbo etc
jsonValidationModel: 'gpt-4o',
// Whisper settings
whisperModelProvider: 'groq', // 'groq' or 'openai'
whisperModel: 'whisper-large-v3', // Groq: 'whisper-large-v3' OpenAI: 'whisper-1'
// TTS settings
ttsModelProvider: 'openai', // only openai supported for now...
ttsModel: 'tts-1', // only openai supported for now...s
ttsvoice: 'alloy', // only openai supported for now... [alloy, echo, fable, onyx, nova, and shimmer]
// OPTIONAL:Vision settings
visionModelProvider: 'google', // 'openai' or 'fal.ai' or 'google'
visionModel: 'gemini-1.5-flash-latest', // OpenAI: 'gpt-4o' or Fal.ai: 'llava-next' or Google: 'gemini-1.5-flash-latest'
// Function calling + conditionally rendered UI
functionCallingModelProvider: 'openai', // 'openai' current only
functionCallingModel: 'gpt-3.5-turbo', // OpenAI: 'gpt-3-5-turbo'
// UI settings
enableResponseTimes: false, // Display response times for each message
enableSettingsUIToggle: true, // Display the settings UI toggle
enableTextToSpeechUIToggle: true, // Display the text to speech UI toggle
enableInternetResultsUIToggle: true, // Display the internet results UI toggle
enableUsePhotUIToggle: false, // Display the use photo UI toggle
enableChainModeUIToggle: true, // Display the chain mode UI toggle
enableJsonModeUIToggle: true, // Display the json mode UI toggle
useAttributionComponent: true, // Use the attribution component to display the attribution of the AI models/services used
// Rate limiting settings
useRateLimiting: false, // Use Upstash rate limiting to limit the number of requests per user
// Tracing with Langchain
useLangSmith: true, // Use LangSmith by Langchain to trace the execution of the functions in the config.tsx set to true to use.
// Set model temperature
modelTemperature: 0.7,
// Max tokens
maxTokens: 2048,
// MongoDB settings
mongoUri: process.env.MONGODB_URI!,
dbName: process.env.MONGODB_DBNAME!,
collectionName: process.env.MONGODB_COLLECTION!,