
AI Voicebot for the Honesty Experiment

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


1. Add you .env with API Keys

2. Install dependencies

bun run install

3. Start the development server

bun run dev

Access the application at http://localhost:3000 or through the provided URL.

4. Deployment

[Deploy with Vercel]

5. Configuration

Modify app/config.tsx to adjust settings and configurations for the AI-powered voice assistant. Here’s an overview of the available options:

export const config = {
  // Inference settings
  inferenceModelProvider: 'openai', // 'groq' or 'openai'
  inferenceModel: 'gpt-3.5-turbo', // Groq: 'llama3-70b-8192' or 'llama3-8b-8192'.. OpenAI: 'gpt-4-turbo etc
  jsonValidationModel: 'gpt-4o',

  // Whisper settings
  whisperModelProvider: 'groq', // 'groq' or 'openai'
  whisperModel: 'whisper-large-v3', // Groq: 'whisper-large-v3' OpenAI: 'whisper-1'

  // TTS settings
  ttsModelProvider: 'openai', // only openai supported for now...
  ttsModel: 'tts-1', // only openai supported for now...s
  ttsvoice: 'alloy', // only openai supported for now... [alloy, echo, fable, onyx, nova, and shimmer]

  // OPTIONAL:Vision settings
  visionModelProvider: 'google', // 'openai' or 'fal.ai' or 'google'
  visionModel: 'gemini-1.5-flash-latest', // OpenAI: 'gpt-4o' or  Fal.ai: 'llava-next' or  Google: 'gemini-1.5-flash-latest'

  // Function calling + conditionally rendered UI
  functionCallingModelProvider: 'openai', // 'openai' current only
  functionCallingModel: 'gpt-3.5-turbo', // OpenAI: 'gpt-3-5-turbo'

  // UI settings
  enableResponseTimes: false, // Display response times for each message
  enableSettingsUIToggle: true, // Display the settings UI toggle
  enableTextToSpeechUIToggle: true, // Display the text to speech UI toggle
  enableInternetResultsUIToggle: true, // Display the internet results UI toggle
  enableUsePhotUIToggle: false, // Display the use photo UI toggle
  enableChainModeUIToggle: true, // Display the chain mode UI toggle
  enableJsonModeUIToggle: true, // Display the json mode UI toggle
  useAttributionComponent: true, // Use the attribution component to display the attribution of the AI models/services used

  // Rate limiting settings
  useRateLimiting: false, // Use Upstash rate limiting to limit the number of requests per user

  // Tracing with Langchain
  useLangSmith: true, // Use LangSmith by Langchain to trace the execution of the functions in the config.tsx set to true to use.

  // Set model temperature
  modelTemperature: 0.7,

  // Max tokens
  maxTokens: 2048,

  // MongoDB settings
  mongoUri: process.env.MONGODB_URI!,
  dbName: process.env.MONGODB_DBNAME!,
  collectionName: process.env.MONGODB_COLLECTION!,