
Github Binary Release manager

Primary LanguageGo



Binman is a tool to sync release assets from github or gitlab to your local workstation. The main use case is syncing via config to keep the tools you use every day up to date.


Grab the latest release here, and let binman grab it for you next time 🚀

Binman will attempt to find a release asset that matches your OS and architecture and one of the types of files we handle currently. Currently handled file types are "zip", "tar", "binary", "exe".

Just add the releasepath to your shell PATH var and you are good to go!

Config Sync

To run binman effectively you need a config.

Running binman with no arguments, and no config will populate the default config to your OS's appropriate config directory. On linux the config file will be added to ~/.config/binman/config.

Binman also allows supplying a configfile from an alternate path with the -c flag or by the "BINMAN_CONFIG" environment variable.

Here's an example config file

  releasepath:  #path to keep fetched releases. $HOME/binMan is the default
  cleanup: true # remove downloaded archive
  maxdownloads: 1 # number of concurrent downloads allowed. Default is 3
  upx: #Compress binaries with upx
    enabled: false
    args: [] # arrary of args for upx
   - name: gitlab.com
     #tokenvar: GL_TOKEN # environment variable that contains gitlab token
     apitype: gitlab
   - name: github.com
     #tokenvar: GH_TOKEN # environment variable that contains github token
     apitype: github
  - repo: rjbrown57/binman
    linkname: mybinman
    downloadonly: false
    cleanup: true
      args: [] #["-k","-v"]
  # syncing from gitlab
  #- repo: gitlab.com/gitlab-org/cli

Binman can also run with a "contextual" config file. If a directory contains a file ".binMan.yaml" this will be merged with your main config. Check a config into git projects and easily fetch required dependencies from github.

Config Options

Top level config: options

key Description
cleanup Remove .zip/.tar files after we have extracted something. Useful in container builds / CI
maxdownloads number of concurrent downloads to allow. Default is number of releases
releasepath Path to publish files to
binpath Path to directory where symlinks to binaries will be created, defaults to releasepath
tokenvar github token to use for auth. You can get yourself rate limited if you have a sizeable config. Instructions to generate a token are here. This config.tokenvar is left for compatibility and can also be set in config.sources for github.com
upx config to enable upx shrinking. Details below

Config sources

By default binman configures two sources github.com and gitlab.com without authentication. Currently the only supported apitypes are github and gitlab. You can supply config to use your internal github or gitlab instances like the below example. Downloads do not currently have authentication, expect this in a future release!

  releasepath: # path to keep fetched releases. $HOME/binMan is the default
  maxdownloads: 1
   - name: gitlab.com
     tokenvar: GL_TOKEN
     apitype: gitlab
   - name: github.com
     tokenvar: GH_TOKEN
     apitype: github
   - name: myprvate.github.com
     tokenvar: GH_TOKEN
     apitype: github
   - name: myprivate.gitlab.com
     tokenvar: GL_TOKEN
     apitype: gitlab
  - repo: rjbrown57/binman # by default github will be the source
  - repo: myprivate.github.com/myorg/myproject # source can be supplied in the repo key
  - repo: mygitlaborg/mygitlabproject
    source: myprivate.gitlab.com # source can also be supplied via the source key. source must match the name field of configured sources.

Release options

These options can be set per release

key Description
arch target architecture
cleanup Remove .zip/.tar files after we have extracted something. Useful in container builds / CI
downloadonly default false. Set to true if you don't want binman to try to extract and link the asset
externalurl see externalurl support
linkname by default binman will create a symlink matching the project name. This can be overridden with linkname set per release
os target OS
releasefilename in some cases project publish assets that have different names than the github project. For example cilium-cli publishes a cli cilium. We would set cilium here so binman knows what to look for
releasepath Alternate releasepath from what is set in the main config
source git source to get release from. By default set to "github.com". Must match the name key of a configured source. See config-sources
upx see upx Config
version pin to a specific release version
postcommands see post commands
postonly only run post commands after we have checked for new versions. This allows binman to trigger apt/yum/brew or something like that

Binman Config subcommand

The binman config subcommand can be used for operations related to your binman config file. Use-c or $BINMAN_CONFIG for a non standard config path.


to view your config run binman config get


to edit your config run binman config edit. This command will make use of whatever editor your $EDITOR var is pointed at.


To add a new repo to your config you can run binman config add anchore/syft. This will add repo: anchore/syft to our config file in the releases section. If further configuration is required do so with binman config edit

Binman clean subcommand

Binman can remove old releases with the binman clean subcommand. The following options are supported.

Flag Description Default
-r,--dryrun enable dry run to check what will be removed false
-s,--scan update db with local files pre scan. Useful if binman has been used previous to 1.0.0 false
-n,--threshold Non-zero amount of releases to retain 3

Binman build subcommand

Binman can build objects from your synced releases. Currently this is limited to OCI Images.


Images are built by appending synced binaries onto a base image. Each binary will become it's own layer in the final image.

Flag Description Default
--imageBinPath Where binaries should be located within the image /usr/local/bin/
--publishPath target to publish OCI image to. Should be a valid docker image name. If version is left empty it will be generated -
--repo Specifc synced repo to add to publish an image for All releases toolbox
--base Base image to append binaries to alpine:latest

External Url Support

binman currently supports fetching version information from github, and then downloading the asset from a separate url. Templating via go templates and sprig can be performed on the url to allow substitution of the fetched tag.

The following values are provided that are commonly used with external urls. See string templating for a full list.

  • os
  • arch
  • version
  - repo: kubernetes/kubernetes # a basic example
    url: "https://dl.k8s.io/release/{{.version}}/bin/{{.os}}/{{.arch}}/kubectl",
  - repo: hashicorp/terraform # a sprig example
    url: https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform/{{ trimPrefix "v" .version }}/terraform_{{ trimPrefix "v" .version }}_{{.os}}_{{.arch}}.zip`, 

For convenience a list of "known" repositories is kept with the templating all figured out for you. Just leave the url field blank for these and binman will take care of it.

Current "known" repos are:

  • kubernetes/kubernetes
    • Please note this is currently hardcoded to fetch kubectl. If you want a different binary set additional repo: kubernetes/kubernetes and specify the url field for each additional binary.
  • helm/helm
  • hashicorp/terraform
  • hashicorp/vault

Post Commands

binman supports executing arbitrary os commands after it has fetched a release artifact. The templating detailed in string templating is available to postcommand args. A simple example is to copy the file to a new location.

  - repo: rjbrown57/binextractor
      releasefilename: binextractor_0.0.1-alpha_linux_amd64
      downloadonly: true
      - command: cp
        args: ["{{ .artifactpath }}","/tmp/binextractor"]

A more complex example would be to do a docker build.

  - repo: rjbrown57/binman
    - command: docker
      args: ["build","-t","{{ .project }}","--build-arg","VERSION={{ .version }}","--build-arg","FILENAME={{ .filename }}","/home/myuser/binMan/repos/{{ .org }}/{{ .project }}/"]

For this to work you must place a docker file at ~/binMan/repos/rjbrown57/binman/Dockerfile. An example of the Dockerfile is

FROM ubuntu:22.04

These are just a pair of possible postcommands. See what trouble you can get yourself into 🚀

Upx Config

Binman allows for shrinking of your downloaded binaries via upx. Ensure upx is in your path and add the following to your binman config to enable shrinking via UPX.

  upx: #Compress binaries with upx
    enabled: false
    args: [] # arrary of args for upx https://linux.die.net/man/1/upx

String Templating

Binman supports templating via go templates and sprig.

Templating is available on the following fields

  • url
  • releasefilename
  • postcommands args

The following values are provided

key notes
os the configured os. Usually the os of your workstation
arch the configured architecture. Usually the arch of your workstation
version the asset version we have fetched from github
project the github project name
org the github org name
artifactpath the full path to the final extracted release artifact. *
link the full path to link binman creates. *
filename just the file name of the final release artifact. *

* these values are only available to args in postcommands actions.

metrics are exposed in the format binman_release{latest="true",repo="rjbrown57/binman",version="v0.8.0"} 0. Keep in mind github api limits when configuring how often binman checks for new assets. An example helm chart is provided here for running in k8s

Direct Repo sync

Binman can be used to grab a specific repository with the syntax binman get rjbrown57/binman

Using "ghcr.io/rjbrown57/binman:latest" container image

You can use the binman image in a multi-stage build to grab binaries for docker images.

FROM ghcr.io/rjbrown57/binman:latest AS binman
RUN binman get "sigstore/cosign"
FROM ubuntu:latest
COPY --from=binman /cosign-linux-amd64 /usr/bin/cosign
RUN chmod 755 /usr/bin/cosign

Or use with a config file

FROM ghcr.io/rjbrown57/binman:latest AS binman
ADD myconfig.yaml examples/basicExample.yaml
RUN binman -c examples/basicExample.yaml
FROM ubuntu:latest
COPY --from=binman /root/binMan/ /usr/local/bin/

Binman watch

If you want to run binman continuously, configure the watch portion of your config file and invoke binman watch. This will also expose /metrics and /healthz on port 9091 by default. An example config is below.

        - name: github.com
          tokenvar: GH_TOKEN
          url: https://api.github.com/
          apitype: github
        - name: gitlab.com
          url: https://gitlab.com
          apitype: gitlab
      sync: true # Whether to download assets or not. If you only want metrics set to false
      fileserver: false # Start a basic fileserver at /
      frequency: 60 # seconds between iteration, default is 60
      port: 9091 # Port to expose healthz and metrics endpoints, default is 9091
- repo: rjbrown57/binman