
A tool to create environment maps for IBL and PBR.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Environment Map Generator


This tool is designed to provide a simple way converting equirectangular HDR maps to a set of IBL cubemaps. The created cubemaps are saved as sets of six single images each. That way they are ready to use in the three.js framework.


Building from source


  • OpenGL (Is most likely already installed.)
  • Visual Studio(VS) for its Compiler.

Download the project and open it with VS through doubleclicking the *.sln file in the projects root directory. Change the Project configuration in the top bar to "Release" and "x86". It should be possible to just hit "Build"->"Build Solution" and a Folder with the name Release should appear in the projects directory.

Using pre-built binaries

Download the here provided build.7z file and unpack the contents to any directory of your choice. This will be the programs root folder and is refered as the Release folder in the Usage section below.


In the Release folder should be an executeable file. Navigate with the console to this folder and call the file as following:

.\hdr_envmap_generator_win.exe [path to equirect image] [optional parameter]

The program just supports *.hdr files. It outputs to a defined folder or generates an "./out" folder in the Release Folder. The square size of the resulting cubemap sides is 1/4th of the width of the original image. Optional parameters are shown below.

Argument Description
-out [path where to save to] Define the output path. Default is .\out in the programs root directory.
-mips [n] Number of generated prefiltered maps. Default is 6.
-irr_res [n] Resolution of the irradiance maps squares. Default is 64.


  • Update your graphics drivers

  • Try rightclicking the solution in the Solution Explorer and choose "Retarget Solution"

  • Before building the project, check the following settings:

    • Navigate in the topmenu to "Project"->"hdr_envmap_generator-Properties".
    • Choose on the left side "Configuration Properties"->"General" and change the encoding to "Not Set".
    • Choose on the left side "Configuration Properties"->"VC++ Directories"
      • add ".\ext\include" to the Include Directories.
      • add ".\ext\libs" to the Library Directories.
    • Navigate to "C/C++"->"Precompiled Headers" and choose "Not Using Precompiled Headers".
    • Choose "Linker"->"Input" and add the following libraries to the additional dependencies: opengl32.lib glfw3.lib DevIL.lib ILU.lib ILUT.lib

Used Libraries and Links

Learn Open GL A great site with a lot of explanation around the topic.
Glad OpenGL library
GLM OpenGL Mathematics
GLFW Window context
Developers Image Library Image loading and saving