
Generate simple images suitable for open graph protocol sharing

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Generate simple social images for the Open Graph protocol


  • PHP >= 8.1
  • Fileinfo Extension
  • One of the following image libraries:
    • GD Library >= 2.0
    • Imagick PHP extension >= 6.5.7


composer require marccoup/social-image-generator


Driver configuration

This package depends on intervention/image and requires an instance of their ImageManager class to be injected into the SocialImageGenerator for driver configuration.


use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Marccoup\SocialImageGenerator\SocialImageGenerator;

$imageManager = new ImageManager(['driver' => 'imagick']);
$generator    = SocialImageGenerator::make(

// Do stuff with $generator

Refer to their documentation on driver configuration for more information.


The only other thing required for this package to work is any .ttf font file to be used for the text written to the generated images.


use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Marccoup\SocialImageGenerator\SocialImageGenerator;

$myFont    = __DIR__.'/path/to/my/font.ttf'; 
$generator = SocialImageGenerator::make(
    new ImageManager(['driver' => 'imagick']),

// Do stuff with $generator

Building your image

This package provides a fluid API for building an image, with sensible (if boring) defaults.

/** @var Marccoup\SocialImageGenerator\SocialImageGenerator $generator */

// Pixel width of the image (default: 1200)

// Pixel height of the image (default: 630)

// Pixels within the image to pain content (default: 100)

// The primary background colour (default: '#ffffff')

// The text used for the primary text on the image (default: '')
$generator->titleText('My Awesome Blog Post');

// The font size of the title text (default: 72)

// The colour of the title text (default: '#000000')

// The text used for the smaller text at the bottom on the image (default: '')

// The font size of the footer text (default: 36)

// The colour of the footer text (default: '#000000')

// Enable the lattice background effect (default)

// Disable the lattice background effect

// The amount of "diamonds" in one "row" of the lattice (default: 30)

// The color of the lines making up the lattice (default: #dddddd)

// The width of the lines making up the lattice (default: 1)

// Enable the border (default)

// Disable the border

// The colour of the border (default: '#000000')

// The width of the border (default: 30)

Once your generator object has been configured how you like, you can generate your image.

The only non-chainable method is the one that should always be the final one in the chain - $generator->generate() - which will return an instance of Intervention\Image\Image for you to save, or otherwise do with as you wish.

/** @var Marccoup\SocialImageGenerator\SocialImageGenerator $generator */

// Generates an image according to the configuration of the object and returns the resulting `Intervention\Image\Image` instance

Usually using the $generator->generate() method will be all you need but if you wish to write the sections of the image in a different order, want multiple lattices, or to do anything else with the image you can interact with it in the following ways:

/** @var Marccoup\SocialImageGenerator\SocialImageGenerator $generator */

// Manually start the generation of the image if it hasn't already been started

// Manually draw the lattice on the image, ignores any prior calls to `$generator->withoutLattice()`

// Manually draw the border on the image, ignores any prior calls the `$generator->withoutBorder()`

// Manually write the title text to the image

// Manually write the footer text to the image

// Access the Intervention\Image\Image object itself to manipulate it how you like

Working example

The best example I can give, how I generated the image at the top of this readme. As long as you have the font, this code should generate the exact same image.


use Intervention\Image\ImageManager;
use Marccoup\SocialImageGenerator\SocialImageGenerator;

$imageManager = new ImageManager(['driver' => 'imagick']);

SocialImageGenerator::make($imageManager, __DIR__.'/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf')
                    ->titleText('Social Image Generator')
                    ->footerText('`composer require marccoup/social-image-generator`')