
This is a repo for a tech challenge :)

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Dev Candidate Test

InfoTrack provides a settlement service whereby a property purchaser's conveyancer meets with representatives of the mortgage provider and the vendor's conveyancer at an agreed time. InfoTrack has fixed capacity and can only provide a limited number of simultaneous settlements.

We would like you to implement a booking API that will accept a booking time and respond indicating whether the reservation was successful or not.

Technical requirements

  • Assume that all bookings are for the same day (do not worry about handling dates)
  • InfoTrack's hours of business are 9am-5pm, all bookings must complete by 5pm (latest booking is 4:00pm)
  • Bookings are for 1 hour (booking at 9:00am means the spot is held from 9:00am to 9:59am)
  • InfoTrack accepts up to 4 simultaneous settlements
  • API needs to accept POST requests of the following format:
  "bookingTime": "09:30",
  "name":"John Smith"
  • Successful bookings should respond with an OK status and a booking Id in GUID form
  "bookingId": "d90f8c55-90a5-4537-a99d-c68242a6012b"
  • Requests for out of hours times should return a Bad Request status
  • Requests with invalid data should return a Bad Request status
  • Requests when all settlements at a booking time are reserved should return a Conflict status
  • The name property should be a non-empty string
  • The bookingTime property should be a 24-hour time (00:00 - 23:59)
  • Bookings can be stored in-memory, it is fine for them to be forgotten when the application is restarted


  • A link to your source control system containing your API code
  • Instructions on the endpoint to contact when we run your solution
  • Any additional details you feel are necessary to execute or understand your solution
  • Target 1-2 hours on this solutio