
Robot Framework Browser library powered by Playwright.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


All Contributors

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πŸ‘· 🚧 Work in Progress 🚧 🎭

Robot Framework Browser library powered by Playwright. Moving browser automation to year 2020 (or 2021)!

Aiming for πŸš€ speed, βœ… reliability and πŸ”¬ visibility.

Supporting testing and automation with Robot Framework and Python.

Official post about this venture.

See keyword documentation.

Installation instructions

  1. Install node.js e.g. from https://nodejs.org/en/download/
  2. Install robotframework-browser from the commandline: pip install robotframework-browser
  3. Install the node dependencies needed to run Playwright from the commandline: rfbrowser init


Development environment

Install Python, nodejs and yarn. Make sure you have make available.

Setup development environment with make dev-env. This creates a Python virtualenv in .venv directory, and install both Python and nodejs dependencies.

To update the dependencies use either make dev-env to update all or alternatively make .venv or make node-deps to update only Python or nodejs dependencies, respectively.

Make sure to run source .venv/bin/activate to activate the correct virtualenv

Development in Windows

Install Chocolatey and then install development tools with choco install sed make.

After that, the development workflow should work as described in the previous chapter. The only difference is that the virtualenv needs to be activated by running .venv\Scripts\activate in the command prompt.


There are both unit tests written with pytest and acceptance test written with Robot Framework. These can be run manually with make utest and make atest. To rerun failed tests you can use make test-failed The tests are also executed in a prepush hook.

Running tests in docker container

Docker container builds a clean install package. This can be used to check that builded package works correctly in clean environment without development dependencies.

Note atest test app start in __init__.robot requires a small change as the path is /atest/demoapp/server.py and not atest/demoapp/server.py in this case.

  1. Build the container make docker
  2. Run tests mounted from host machine make docker-test.
  3. See results in atest/output


  1. Ensure generated code and types are up to date with make build
  2. Ensure tests and linting pass on CI
  3. Check that you have permissions to release on Github and PyPi
  4. Use make release to create and release artifacts and upload to PyPi
  5. Create Github release

Code style

Python code style is enforced with flake8 and black. These are executed in a precommit hook, but can also be invoked manually with make lint-python.

JS / TS code style is enforced with eslint. Lints are run in precommit hooks, but can be run manually with make lint-node.


Python Library <--> gRPC <---> TypeScript and Playwright


This project is community driven and becomes a reality only through the work of all the people who contribute. Supported by Robocorp through Robot Framework Foundation.

Mikko Korpela


Tatu Aalto


Antti Karjalainen


Ismo Aro


Janne HΓ€rkΓΆnen


Kerkko Pelttari


