This is the base of the app
This Rails 5 ( app integrated:
Devise - for authentication.
Active Admin - for controlling the content of site through admin panel.
Devise invitable - for inviting the user from the admin panel to join the application.
semantic ui - for look and feel of application with glyphicons.
letter opener - for view the content of email in the browser itself.
exception_notification - for sending the exception email to recipients in production mode.
Flash messages display.
meta_request- for development (for google chrome rails panel)
.gitignore for rails app.
Development environment:
Ruby version (2.3.0).
Rails 5 (
Mysql (Development) and Postgresql (Production)
- Do: git clone
- cd into that directory.
- I am using mysql database for development. if you are using any other update your Gemfile for corresponding database adapter.
- Update application.yml configurations in application.yml.demo and remove the .demo.
bundle install
rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
rails s
Admin Panel admin panel
normal application default
Credentials to login as admin
To login as admin you have to start the rails terminal and create one: Admin.create(email: '', password: 'MyPassword')