
pv mode 1 and 2 switched?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

PV1 has 0W and PV2 has 17W but pv mode shows PV1 producing power and PV2 not connected

Model: Goodwe GW8K-ET

Screenshot 2022-03-05 232256

Which model inverter? Can you provide the debug output? logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)

Same for me forGW29K9-ET inverter with current (2024-01-14) version of goodwe module. Pypi module 0.2.33 with byte address mode was ok for me.

The GW29K9-ET inverter has 3 MPPT. I could watch the above decribed behavior for PV3 and PV4.

This seems to a problem with byte order (big endian vs little endian) in the current implementation using register address mode. Have a look at my fork of goodwe at gowima/goodwe (be aware this is still work in progress).

Fixed in 88a1ff7
Thanks @gowima