
GW25K-ET Wrong V/A/Power register mappings

Closed this issue · 5 comments


Just got my 25K-ET installed a few days ago and still experimenting with everything.

Noticed there's a large discrepancy in the power reported by SEMS/SolarGo and also the ModBus outputs.

When reading out the registers via modbus as configured right now, you get the following:

vpv1: 				 PV1 Voltage = 696.9 V
ipv1: 				 PV1 Current = 3.3 A
ppv1: 				 PV1 Power = 1729 W
vpv2: 				 PV2 Voltage = 696.9 V
ipv2: 				 PV2 Current = 0.0 A
ppv2: 				 PV2 Power = 2922 W
vpv3: 				 PV3 Voltage = 647.4 V
ipv3: 				 PV3 Current = 5.3 A
ppv3: 				 PV3 Power = 0 W
ppv: 				 PV Power = 4651 W

For context, my configuration population is 1 string each on both MPPT1 and MPPT2, with MPPT3 unpopulated.

The problem as you see in the above breakdown, is that the power calculation as described by the power registers isn't accurate.

In comparison, this is what SolarGo is reporting, which seems to be accurate as far as the population config:


<style> </style>
  V A P calculated P modbus
PV1 696 3.3 2296.8 1729
PV2 696 0 0 2922
PV3 647 5.3 3429.1 0
PV4 647 0 0 n/a
PV5 0 0 0 n/a
PV6 0 0 0 n/a
    Total P 5725.9 4651

In the SolarGo flow overview, the app is showcasing the 5.7kW figure as generation coming from the panels.

When I go into SEMS, that is reporting the 4.6kW figure, which seems to match the modbus power total.

What's actually even more odd, is that although the calculated figure seems more accurate, the breakdown of where the power is flowing afterwards seems to want to indicate that the ModBus/SEMS figure to be the accurate ones, as it's showing ~2.3kW into the backup/grid output and 2.3kW into the battery and 0W into the grid meter.

However, SolarGo is showing 3.5kW into the house, which I know to be inaccurate, and I also noted that SolarGo always overestimates the house power by a large amount which seems to correlate with the calculated vs mdobus power sum difference.

To sum it up, it's one giant mess across all the apps and reporting figures.

At the very least, what is certain, is that the modbus ppv2/ppv3 figures are not showcasing what they're labelled as, assuming the values they are showing are even accurate. Instead what they seem to be showing is per-MPPT string-aggregate power figures, and the V/A registers are showing per-string data, hence the mismatch in the labelling.

Unfortunately I don't have MPPT3 populated as it would be interesting to see what the modbus output even shows when power would be flowing through that, given that PV4/PV5/PV6 data doesn't exist in the current known mappings (I saw the mention that one might attempt reverse-engineer things from the app).

Another FYI: I have the whole house exclusively connected to the backup output, however one will note that the modbus pgrid/2/3 figures will be +- mirroring the backup load outputs even though they should be zero (as shown by the meter itself), so that data is also relatively untrustworthy and useless and forces you to refer to the meter data and calculations to do any possible grid-tied loads.

Here's also a bit more context as to what those "pgrid" registers are:

timestamp: 				 Timestamp = 2023-11-19 14:26:47 
vpv1: 				 PV1 Voltage = 726.5 V
ipv1: 				 PV1 Current = 1.9 A
ppv1: 				 PV1 Power = 728 W
vpv2: 				 PV2 Voltage = 726.5 V
ipv2: 				 PV2 Current = 0.0 A
ppv2: 				 PV2 Power = 487 W
vpv3: 				 PV3 Voltage = 693.6 V
ipv3: 				 PV3 Current = 1.7 A
ppv3: 				 PV3 Power = 0 W
ppv: 				 PV Power = 1215 W
pv3_mode: 				 PV3 Mode code = 0 
pv3_mode_label: 				 PV3 Mode = PV panels not connected 
pv2_mode: 				 PV2 Mode code = 2 
pv2_mode_label: 				 PV2 Mode = PV panels connected, producing power 
pv1_mode: 				 PV1 Mode code = 2 
pv1_mode_label: 				 PV1 Mode = PV panels connected, producing power 
vgrid: 				 On-grid L1 Voltage = 232.5 V
igrid: 				 On-grid L1 Current = 2.3 A
fgrid: 				 On-grid L1 Frequency = 49.96 Hz
pgrid: 				 On-grid L1 Power = 438 W
vgrid2: 				 On-grid L2 Voltage = 233.6 V
igrid2: 				 On-grid L2 Current = 1.5 A
fgrid2: 				 On-grid L2 Frequency = 49.95 Hz
pgrid2: 				 On-grid L2 Power = 243 W
vgrid3: 				 On-grid L3 Voltage = 233.3 V
igrid3: 				 On-grid L3 Current = 3.4 A
fgrid3: 				 On-grid L3 Frequency = 49.96 Hz
pgrid3: 				 On-grid L3 Power = 653 W
grid_mode: 				 Grid Mode code = 1 
grid_mode_label: 				 Grid Mode = Connected to grid 
total_inverter_power: 				 Total Power = 1334 W
active_power: 				 Active Power = 823 W
grid_in_out: 				 On-grid Mode code = 1 
grid_in_out_label: 				 On-grid Mode = Exporting 
reactive_power: 				 Reactive Power = 1004 var
apparent_power: 				 Apparent Power = 1677 VA
backup_v1: 				 Back-up L1 Voltage = 231.1 V
backup_i1: 				 Back-up L1 Current = 2.9 A
backup_f1: 				 Back-up L1 Frequency = 49.96 Hz
load_mode1: 				 Load Mode L1 = 0 
backup_p1: 				 Back-up L1 Power = 35 W
backup_v2: 				 Back-up L2 Voltage = 232.6 V
backup_i2: 				 Back-up L2 Current = 1.6 A
backup_f2: 				 Back-up L2 Frequency = 49.95 Hz
load_mode2: 				 Load Mode L2 = 0 
backup_p2: 				 Back-up L2 Power = 9 W
backup_v3: 				 Back-up L3 Voltage = 232.3 V
backup_i3: 				 Back-up L3 Current = 3.2 A
backup_f3: 				 Back-up L3 Frequency = 49.97 Hz
load_mode3: 				 Load Mode L3 = 0 
backup_p3: 				 Back-up L3 Power = 338 W
load_p1: 				 Load L1 = 49 W
load_p2: 				 Load L2 = 17 W
load_p3: 				 Load L3 = 361 W
backup_ptotal: 				 Back-up Load = 389 W
load_ptotal: 				 Load = 122 W
ups_load: 				 Ups Load = 7 %
temperature_air: 				 Inverter Temperature (Air) = 43.4 C
temperature_module: 				 Inverter Temperature (Module) = 0.0 C
temperature: 				 Inverter Temperature (Radiator) = 38.8 C
function_bit: 				 Function Bit = 0 
bus_voltage: 				 Bus Voltage = 760.4 V
nbus_voltage: 				 NBus Voltage = 380.2 V
vbattery1: 				 Battery Voltage = 213.9 V
ibattery1: 				 Battery Current = -0.1 A
pbattery1: 				 Battery Power = -21 W
battery_mode: 				 Battery Mode code = 2 
battery_mode_label: 				 Battery Mode = Discharge 
warning_code: 				 Warning code = 0 
safety_country: 				 Safety Country code = 32 
safety_country_label: 				 Safety Country = 50Hz Grid Default 
work_mode: 				 Work Mode code = 1 
work_mode_label: 				 Work Mode = Normal (On-Grid) 
operation_mode: 				 Operation Mode code = 0 
error_codes: 				 Error Codes = 0 
errors: 				 Errors =  
e_total: 				 Total PV Generation = 28.1 kWh
e_day: 				 Today's PV Generation = 17.8 kWh
e_total_exp: 				 Total Energy (export) = 19.7 kWh
h_total: 				 Hours Total = 52 h
e_day_exp: 				 Today Energy (export) = 6.0 kWh
e_total_imp: 				 Total Energy (import) = 2.6 kWh
e_day_imp: 				 Today Energy (import) = 0.6 kWh
e_load_total: 				 Total Load = 8.3 kWh
e_load_day: 				 Today Load = 0.6 kWh
e_bat_charge_total: 				 Total Battery Charge = 15.4 kWh
e_bat_charge_day: 				 Today Battery Charge = 12.1 kWh
e_bat_discharge_total: 				 Total Battery Discharge = 4.7 kWh
e_bat_discharge_day: 				 Today Battery Discharge = 0.0 kWh
diagnose_result: 				 Diag Status Code = 33816768 
diagnose_result_label: 				 Diag Status = Discharge Driver On, BMS: Discharge current low, BMS: Charge disabled, PF value set 
house_consumption: 				 House Consumption = 371 W
battery_bms: 				 Battery BMS = 255 
battery_index: 				 Battery Index = 311 
battery_status: 				 Battery Status = 1 
battery_temperature: 				 Battery Temperature = 25.0 C
battery_charge_limit: 				 Battery Charge Limit = 0 A
battery_discharge_limit: 				 Battery Discharge Limit = 40 A
battery_error_l: 				 Battery Error L = 0 
battery_soc: 				 Battery State of Charge = 100 %
battery_soh: 				 Battery State of Health = 100 %
battery_modules: 				 Battery Modules = 4 
battery_warning_l: 				 Battery Warning L = 0 
battery_protocol: 				 Battery Protocol = 261 
battery_error_h: 				 Battery Error H = 0 
battery_error: 				 Battery Error =  
battery_warning_h: 				 Battery Warning H = 790 
battery_warning: 				 Battery Warning = err17, err18, err20, err24, err25 
battery_sw_version: 				 Battery Software Version = 0 
battery_hw_version: 				 Battery Hardware Version = 0 
battery_max_cell_temp_id: 				 Battery Max Cell Temperature ID = 0 
battery_min_cell_temp_id: 				 Battery Min Cell Temperature ID = 0 
battery_max_cell_voltage_id: 				 Battery Max Cell Voltage ID = 0 
battery_min_cell_voltage_id: 				 Battery Min Cell Voltage ID = 0 
battery_max_cell_temp: 				 Battery Max Cell Temperature = 0.0 C
battery_min_cell_temp: 				 Battery Min Cell Temperature = 0.0 C
battery_max_cell_voltage: 				 Battery Max Cell Voltage = 0.0 V
battery_min_cell_voltage: 				 Battery Min Cell Voltage = 0.0 V
commode: 				 Commode = 2 
rssi: 				 RSSI = 100 
manufacture_code: 				 Manufacture Code = 10 
meter_test_status: 				 Meter Test Status = 273 
meter_comm_status: 				 Meter Communication Status = 1 
active_power1: 				 Active Power L1 = 388 W
active_power2: 				 Active Power L2 = 222 W
active_power3: 				 Active Power L3 = 288 W
active_power_total: 				 Active Power Total = 899 W
reactive_power_total: 				 Reactive Power Total = 317 var
meter_power_factor1: 				 Meter Power Factor L1 = 23.064 
meter_power_factor2: 				 Meter Power Factor L2 = -6.136 
meter_power_factor3: 				 Meter Power Factor L3 = 7.464 
meter_power_factor: 				 Meter Power Factor = 8.964 
meter_freq: 				 Meter Frequency = 49.97 Hz
meter_e_total_exp: 				 Meter Total Energy (export) = 0.0 kWh
meter_e_total_imp: 				 Meter Total Energy (import) = 0.0 kWh
meter_active_power1: 				 Meter Active Power L1 = 388 W
meter_active_power2: 				 Meter Active Power L2 = 222 W
meter_active_power3: 				 Meter Active Power L3 = 288 W
meter_active_power_total: 				 Meter Active Power Total = 899 W
meter_reactive_power1: 				 Meter Reactive Power L1 = 46 var
meter_reactive_power2: 				 Meter Reactive Power L2 = 177 var
meter_reactive_power3: 				 Meter Reactive Power L2 = 93 var
meter_reactive_power_total: 				 Meter Reactive Power Total = 317 var
meter_apparent_power1: 				 Meter Apparent Power L1 = 440 VA
meter_apparent_power2: 				 Meter Apparent Power L2 = 371 VA
meter_apparent_power3: 				 Meter Apparent Power L3 = 391 VA
meter_apparent_power_total: 				 Meter Apparent Power Total = 1203 VA
meter_type: 				 Meter Type = 2 
meter_sw_version: 				 Meter Software Version = 5 

On these ETT series, they are not on-grid outputs but rather they are the sum of the AC output generated by the inverter through PV and battery, wherever they might go. SolarGo is also wrongly labelling these metrics in the app as "on-grid" which can be a bit confusing. I also remember that when these values go negative is when the inverter has to ingest power from the grid connectors, but I need to check again during the night and when the battery is discharged.

In the above snippet, PV is generating 1907W (ppv), the battery is generating 404W (pbattery1), the inverter total AC generation is 2462W (total_inverter_power ~= sum of pgrid/2/3), with a consumption hanging off the backup load of 2386W (backup_ptotal). In this scenario load_p1/2/3 ~= backup_p1/2/3. It's ingesting 27W from the grid side connectors (active_power).

active_power +- equals the meter_active_power_total in my scenario as I have basically nothing connected to non-backup except the distribution panel itself and whatever losses might happen in there between the CTs and the actual inverter.

active_power goes positive when injecting into the grid connector, and goes negative when ingesting through it.

Also with the above behaviour, "house_consumption" calculation as it is currently is wrong and off by a bit as it doesn't end up matching the actual load, a simpler way to generate a more accurate figure is to just do "total_inverter_power - active_power".

I'll add more comments once I manage to correlate the numbers in different scenarios.

However, SolarGo is showing 3.5kW into the house, which I know to be inaccurate, and I also noted that SolarGo always overestimates the house power by a large amount which seems to correlate with the calculated vs mdobus power sum difference.

Update: This behaviour has now been fixed as of DSP V06 SVN 6017 (November 24 release) on ETT models, and now the calculated reported modbus V/A on the strings matches the MPPT power entries. The labelling mismatch still exists (V/A entries == string #'s, P entries == MPPT #'s).

Please find attached a complete revamped modbus register mapping for the ES G2 and ETT/ET-15-30 inverters.

Somebody simply just had to ask GoodWe for it and we got it.

ARM 745, ESG2,ET30 MODBUS Protocol Map 20221231 - v1.pdf

Credit to "NorthPV":

Due the extensive differences here, it makes sense to split off those inverter series into a different mapping file and not attempt to include it into the current I will look into if I have any spare time, but hopefully this allows the community to advance at greater pace.

also ping @mletenay as this solves all ET-15-30k related issues on

That's great. AFAIK Goodwe was not really willing to share such data without NDA in the past, so this is definitely progress.
I will study it and incorporate it in the code sometime this week ...

The code was enhanced with ETT specific registers besides support for 2nd battery it now provides values for PV5-16 strings and power and current values for MPPT 1-8.