AWS CodeLab


AWS CLI (Command Line Interface)

  • Install aws cli
  • Test installation
    • run in shell / command line: aws --version
    • should show version number without errors
  • Possible problems
    • if command aws is not working, close shell and open a new one after installation
    • Windows: if command aws is not available in shell, add aws to your PATH variable
    • if you have problems with the connection or certificates, avoid using your company proxy

Setup AWS API Credentials

  • run aws configure --profile codelab-setup-test
    • AWS Access Key ID:
    • AWS Secret Access Key:
    • Default region name: eu-central-1
    • Default output format: json
  • you can find and edit your inputs in your home directory: .aws/credentials and .aws/config
    • Linux: e.g. less ~/.aws/credentials
  • Test setup
    • run in your shell aws ssm get-parameter --name /codelab/setup/test --profile codelab-setup-test
    • should return a json output without errors
  • Possible problems
    • "The config profile (codelab-setup-test) could not be found": check .aws/credentials
    aws_access_key_id     = <secret>
    aws_secret_access_key = <secret>
    • "Unable to locate credentials": try to set environment variable AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE=/your/path/.aws/credentials


  • Install newest terraform version 0.x
  • Test installation
    • Test terraform command
      • run in shell / command line: terraform --version
      • should show version number without errors
    • Test terraform init
      • create an empty folder, create a file with this content
      • run terraform init in that folder
      • should download aws provider and report "Terraform has been successfully initialized!"
    • Test terraform plan
      • run terraform plan in that folder
      • should succeed with "Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy."
  • Possible problems
    • if command terraform is not working, close shell and open a new one after installation
    • Windows: if command terraform is not available in shell, add terraform.exe to your PATH variable
    • if you have problems with the connection or certificates, avoid using your company proxy


  • Optionally install git, if you want to clone this code examples
  • run in your workspace folder: git clone

IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

  • you can use any IDE or even a text editor
  • but IntelliJ IDEA has syntax highlighting and auto-completion for terraform