
These are some experiments on managing CfK with Crossplane.

One goal would be to create a package i.e. an ops team must just install this package and have the dev teams create Claims to spin up clusters as needed. That may be used also as a starting point to create Compositions to support the claim in specific infrastructure.

Cfk via Crossplane, quick start

This creates a CompositeResource for CfK and its Composition targeting the local k8s cluster, and a claim to spin up a dev cluster.

  1. Install Crossplane:


kubectl create namespace crossplane-system

helm repo add crossplane-stable
helm repo update

helm install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-stable/crossplane
  1. Install Providers:

See remark on RBAC below!

kubectl apply -f helm-provider.yaml -n crossplane-system
kubectl apply -f k8s-provider.yaml -n crossplane-system
  1. Install Confluent Platform / CfK:
kubectl apply -f // the CompositeResourceDefinition
kubectl apply -f comp-CPCluster.yaml  // Composition implementing the CompositeResource
  1. Create a dev cluster using a claim:
kubectl create namespace dev
kubectl apply -f devCPcluster.yaml -n dev


The crossplane providers' service accounts need the rights to talk to the k8s api and create the resources. Crossplane RBAC manager creates, updates and binds ClusterRoles and ClusterRoleBindings.

Neither a provider nor the crossplane controller has permission to create namespaces in the cluster it is installed into.

See also

Individual components

Instead of using a CompositeResource, the individual Crossplane resources can be applied to spin up infrastructure - see following.

Deploy cfk locally via helm

$ kubectl apply -f helm-provider.yaml -n crossplane-system

$ kubectl apply -f cp-cfk-helm.yaml -n crossplane-system


need to provide azure credentials first... see

// deploy the provider
kubectl apply -f az-provider.yaml -n crossplane-system

//deploy some AKS cluster
kubectl apply -f xp-aks.yaml -n crossplane-system