
Slim Framework LDAP and Doctrine RDBMS with Zend authentication and authorization

Primary LanguagePHP

Slim Framework Authentication and Authorization Middleware

This project uses parts of Zend Framework, like Zend Auth classes, Zend ACL and Zend config.

My goal was to build a reusable Middleware to authenticate through LDAP and/or RDBMS.


$ composer require marcelbonnet/slim-auth

Bundled Mechanism

  • Authentication through LDAP (see sample config for LDAP and AD)
  • Authentication through RDBMS
  • Authorization based on user roles kept in a RDBMS' table.

RDBMS Mechanism

Agnostic table design. The only thing slim-auth needs to know is where users and roles are stored , using an instance of Doctrine ORM's EntityManager.


  • Slim Framework v. 3.x
  • PHP >= 5.6
  • Doctrine ORM >= 2.5

To see all dependencies: https://packagist.org/packages/marcelbonnet/slim-auth

How To (slim-auth min version 2.0.0)

1.x not compatible.


This package suppose you have a User 0..+ Role(s). Here an example design (use whatever attribute names you want):

class User {

    protected $username;
    protected $passwordHash;
    @OneToMany(targetEntity="Role", ...)
    protected $roles;

class Role {
    The role name
    @var string
    protected $role;
    protected $user;


use marcelbonnet\Slim\Auth\ServiceProvider\SlimAuthProvider;
use Zend\Authentication\Storage\Session as SessionStorage;
use marcelbonnet\Slim\Auth\Middleware\Authorization;
use marcelbonnet\Slim\Auth\Handlers\RedirectHandler;
use marcelbonnet\Slim\Auth\Adapter\LdapRdbmsAdapter;

use \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;
use \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
use \Slim\Http\Request as SlimHttpRequest;
use \Slim\Http\Response as SlimHttpResponse;

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

/* ****************************************************************************
 * Slim App and Config
 * ****************************************************************************
$config = require '../conf/config.php';
$app = new \Slim\App($config);

// Fetch DI Container
$container = $app->getContainer();

/* ****************************************************************************
 * Authentication/Authorization
 * ****************************************************************************
$acl = new Acl();
//ACLed Slim Route
$container['router'] = new \marcelbonnet\Slim\Auth\Route\AuthorizableRouter(null, $acl);
$container['acl']    = $acl;

$adapterOptions = [];
//if you want auth to be valid if some column exists with an expected value:
// $adapterOptions = [
//              'checkUserIsActivated'  => 'my_column_in_user_table',
//              'userIsActivatedFlag'       => true
//      ];
$adapter = new marcelbonnet\Slim\Auth\Adapter\LdapRdbmsAdapter(
        '/some/file.conf',  //LDAP config or NULL if not using LDAP
        $myEntityManager, //an Doctrine's Entity Manager instance 
        "\Your\Project\Dao\Role",    //Role class
        "role", //Role's class role attribute
        "user", //Role's class user attribute (the @ManyToOne attrib)
        "\Your\Project\Dao\User", //User class
        "username", //User name attribute
        "passwordHash", //password (as a hash) attribute
        marcelbonnet\Slim\Auth\Adapter\LdapRdbmsAdapter::AUTHENTICATE_RDBMS, //auth method: LdapRdbmsAdapter::AUTHENTICATE_RDBMS | LdapRdbmsAdapter::AUTHENTICATE_LDAP 
        10, //a hash factor
        PASSWORD_DEFAULT, //hash algorithm
        $adapterOptions //if needed

$container["authAdapter"] = $adapter;

$slimAuthProvider = new SlimAuthProvider();

$app->add(new Authorization( $container["auth"], $acl, new RedirectHandler("auth/notAuthenticated", "auth/notAuthorized") ));
# checks:
#$username=(is_array(@$c["auth"]->getStorage()->read()))? @$c["auth"]->getStorage()->read()["username"] : @$c["auth"]->getStorage()->read();
#$userRoles=(is_array(@$c["auth"]->getStorage()->read()))? @$c["auth"]->getStorage()->read()["role"] : array();

    Example Routes: you must set allowed Roles (as one string or as an array or string roles) for each route. 
$app->get('/', 'My\Controller:home' )->setName("home")->allow(Acl::MEMBER);

$app->get('/home', function (SlimHttpRequest $request, SlimHttpResponse $response, $args) use($container) {
    $container->get('router')->getNamedRoute('home')->run($request, $response);

$app->get('/hello[/{name}]', 'My\Controller:sayHello')->setName('hello')->allow([Acl::GUEST, Acl::MEMBER]);
$app->get('/protected', 'My\Controller:callProtectedResource')->setName('protected')->allow(Acl::ADMIN);


Now your ACL class should look like:

class Acl extends SlimAuthAcl
    const GUEST                     = "guest";
    const ADMIN                     = "admin";
    const MEMBER                    = "member";

    public function __construct()
        $this->addRole(self::MEMBER, self::GUEST);
        /* **************************************
         * WARNING: ALLOW ALL:
         * **************************************

How it looks in MySQL

mysql> SELECT * FROM core__users;
| id | username     | passwordHash                                                 |
|  2 | marcelbonnet | $2y$15$9b9Vb5K/Rcg.s6Gjn0cpnu4iAhRdbWA0lIxqzf5mLl81WW.qYtXzK |

mysql> SELECT * FROM core__user_roles;
| id | fk_user_id | role   |
|  5 |          2 | admin  |
|  3 |          2 | member |


This project started as a modified version of a development branch from jeremykendall/slim-auth.