
A collection of resources to introduce functional programming for PHP programmers.

Getting Started with Functional Programming in PHP

A collection of resources to introduce functional programming for PHP programmers. Please see CONTRIBUTING for details and contribute. ;)


Functional programming tutorials in PHP.


Videos about functional programming in PHP.


Slides about functional programming in PHP.

  • Functional PHP - Fantastic talk about functional programming in PHP.


Libraries about functional programming in PHP and related concepts.

Other Languages

Some fantastic functional programming languages that you should learn.


Some fantastic and influential developers that talk about functional programming, PHP and other languages.

  • Anthony Ferrara - Co-author of PHP Internals book and Developer Advocate for Google.
  • Benjamin Eberlei - Project-leader of Doctrine ORM and contributor to the Symfony2 Framework.
  • Igor Wiedler - Creator of Silex micro-framework and open-source contributor to projects like Symfony and Composer.
  • Joe Armstrong - Creator of Erlang language.
  • JosĂ© Valim - Creator of Elixir language.
  • Larry Garfield - PHP developer and core contributor of Drupal.
  • Lars Strojny - PHP developer and creator of Functional PHP library.
  • Nikita Popov - Co-author of PHP Internals book, open source contributor and creator of PHP Parser library.
  • Simon Holywell - Co-author of PHP Internals book, open source contributor and creator of PHP Parser library.