
A Gradle plugin that provides the capability to publish code coverage to Bitbucket. Currently, only JaCoCo reports are supported.

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Gradle Bitbucket Code Coverage Plugin

This plugin provides the capability to publish code coverage to Bitbucket. It communicates with the endpoints provided by the Bitbucket plugin: Code Coverage for Bitbucket Server.

Currently, the plugin only supports the conversion of JaCoCo reports. But thanks to its modular design, it's easily possible to extend the plugin to other report types.

Apply Plugin

The plugin is available in the Gradle Plugin Portal.

Using the plugins DSL:

plugins { 
    id("dev.turingcomplete.bitbucket-code-coverage") version "1.0.1"

Using legacy plugin application:

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url = uri("https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/")
    dependencies {

apply(plugin = "dev.turingcomplete.bitbucket-code-coverage")

️️⚠️ The minimum supported Gradle version is 7.1.

Minimal Setup for JaCoCo Code Coverage

The following code must be present at least in the build.gradle.kts for the plugin to publish JaCoCo code coverage reports:

plugins {
    id("dev.turingcomplete.bitbucket-code-coverage") version "1.0.1"

bitbucketCodeCoverage {

tasks.jacocoTestReport {
  • Line 2: Apply the jacoco plugin to the project.
  • Line 6: Set the host address to the Bitbucket instance.
  • Line 7: Set a Git commit ID, to which Bitbucket will associate the published code coverage.
  • Line 10-12: Configure the jacocoTestReport task to produce XML report files. The plugin will convert these into the Bitbucket code coverage format.


Publish JaCoCo Code Coverage to Bitbucket

The PublishJacocoCodeCoverageToBitbucketTask class provides the functionality to convert JaCoCo XML report files into the Bitbucket code coverage format and can then publish them to Bitbucket.

If the project has the jacoco plugin applied, this plugin will add a default instance of the PublishJacocoCodeCoverageToBitbucketTask with the name publishJacocoCodeCoverageToBitbucket under the group verification.

This default task depends on all JacocoReport tasks (e.g., jacocoTestReport) and uses their outputs as inputs and will only run if at least one of these tasks is not up-to-date. In addition, the sourceFilesSearchDirs property will be mapped to all source directories of all SourceSets in the projects.


The PublishJacocoCodeCoverageToBitbucketTask has the following properties:

Property Required Description
bitbucketHost Yes The host address to the Bitbucket instance. Must start with http:// or https://.
bitbucketCommitId Yes The Git commit ID to which Bitbucket will associate the published code coverage.
bitbucketProjectKey No The key of a Bitbucket project.
bitbucketRepositorySlug No The slug of a repository in a Bitbucket project.
bitbucketUser No The name of a Bitbucket user.
bitbucketPassword No The password of the bitbucketUser.
bitbucketToken No An HTTP access token to use for authentication as an alternative to the user/password authentication. (The task will ignore the value if a bitbucketUser is set.)
bitbucketTimeout No The timeout of a request to Bitbucket. The default value is 30 seconds.
jacocoXmlCoverageReports No A FileCollection of JaCoCo XML report files.
skipOnMissingJacocoXmlCoverageReports No If set to true and jacocoXmlCoverageReports is empty, the task will not fail.
sourceFilesSearchDirs No Bitbucket requires file paths relative to the root project directory, but the JaCoCo reports only contain the fully qualified class name. Therefore, the task needs to search in the given directories for the source files of all classes.

If we only set the Git commit ID via the property bitbucketCommitId, the code coverage would be associated with all commits in all repositories that have the given ID. The property bitbucketProjectKey and bitbucketRepositorySlug can be specified to limit the scope of the code coverage to a commit in one repository.


The default task publishJacocoCodeCoverageToBitbucket can be configured via the extension bitbucketCodeCoverage. This extension provides the same properties as the task (the JaCoCo specific ones are nested under the sub extension jacoco).

The following code shows an example of a wholly configured extension:

import java.time.Duration
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
import java.time.temporal.TemporalUnit

bitbucketCodeCoverage {
  bitbucketHost.set("https://mybitbucket.com") // Required

  bitbucketCommitId.set("0835f844bc4950d7...") // Required
  bitbucketProjectKey.set("PROJECT_KEY") // Optional
  bitbucketRepositorySlug.set("repositorySlug") // Optional

  bitbucketUser.set("User") // Optional
  bitbucketPassword.set("Password$") // Optional
  bitbucketToken.set("token1234") // Optional; alternative to the user/password

  bitbucketTimeout.set(Duration.of(1, ChronoUnit.MINUTES)) // Optional

  jacoco {
    jacocoXmlCoverageReports.setFrom(project.files(File("report.xml"))) // Optional
    skipOnMissingJacocoXmlCoverageReports.set(true) // Optional
    sourceFilesSearchDirs.setFrom(project.files(File("alternate", "search-dir"))) // Optional
  onlyRunIfJacocoReportTaskDidWork.set(false) // Optional


Automatically Obtain the Git Commit ID

It's easy to automatically obtain the current Git commit ID and set it to the task property. One way would be to use the JGit library:

buildscript {
  repositories {
  dependencies {

bitbucketCodeCoverage {
  bitbucketCommitId.set(provider { Git.open(rootProject.projectDir).repository.resolve(Constants.HEAD).name })
  // ...

Alternatively, without a dependency, it would be possible to execute the command git rev-parse HEAD via a ProcessBuilder and get the Git commit ID from the output of this process.

Extend the Plugin to Other Report Types

We need to create a new task to convert other code coverage reports besides the JaCoCo ones that extend PublishCodeCoverageToBitbucketTask. This new task must populate the property fileCodeCoverages with instances of FileCodeCoverage. These contain the code coverage information of a single source code file.

An example task could look as follows:

class CustomPublishCodeCoverageToBitbucketTask : PublishCodeCoverageToBitbucketTask() {

  init {
    val myClassCodeCoverage = FileCodeCoverage(sourceFile = File("src/main/java/MyClass.java"), 
                                               fullyCoveredLines = setOf(1, 2), 
                                               partiallyCoveredLines = setOf(3, 4),
                                               uncoveredLines = setOf(5, 6))


Copyright (c) 2022 Marcel Kliemannel

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LICENSE for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.