Massively parallel GPU-enabled initial conditions and Lagrangian perturbation theory in Python using [jax.]numpy.
- git clone
- cd lpt4py
- pip install .
Currently runs on perlmutter in the xgsmenv enviroment.
Example included here in scripts/ will generate/convolve white noise and calculate 2LPT displacement from an external density contrast (websky), all at 768^3, i.e.:
# on Perlmutter at NERSC with Nnodes = [2, 32, 256]
% module use /global/cfs/cdirs/mp107/exgal/env/xgsmenv/20231013-0.0.0/modulefiles/
% module load xgsmenv
% salloc -N Nnodes -C gpu
% export XGSMENV_NGPUS=4*Nnodes
% srun -n 8 python lpt4py/scripts/ --N 2048 --seed 13579 --ityp delta
4.9 sec for noise generation
12.4 sec for noise convolution
91.2 sec for 2LPT
% srun -n 128 python lpt4py/scripts/ --N 4096 --seed 13579 --ityp delta
5.9 sec for noise generation
18.2 sec for noise convolution
96.5 sec for 2LPT
% srun -n 1024 python lpt4py/scripts/ --N 8192 --seed 13579 --ityp delta
28.3 sec for noise generation
80.0 sec for noise convolution
155.7 sec for 2LPT
implying the following scalings:
N Nodes GPUs Wall time GPU hours Node hours Node hours
(sec) (N/8192)^3
2048 2 8 109 0.24 0.06 3.9
4096 32 128 121 4.3 1.1 8.6
8192 256 1024 264 75 19 19