
content for Udacity's cloud developer nanodegree

Primary LanguageTypeScript


content for Udacity's cloud developer nanodegree

Course 02 - Full Stack Apps on AWS

In this course the Udagram app is built using:

  • Frontend: A basic Ionic client web application which consumes the RestAPI Backend.
  • RestAPI Backend: A Node-Express server which handles the request to the frontend, uses a RDBMS in AWS to store user records and an S3 Bucket to store images.
  • Image Filtering Microservice: A Node-Express application which runs a simple script to filter images uploaded to the S3 bucket.

For the deployment of Node-Express servers AWS Elastic Beanstalk is used so the EB CLI is required, to install it refer to EB CLI Install

To create the S3 Bucket and the Database AWS-CLI will be used

sudo apt-get install awscli


Create Bucket

# create bucket https://udagram-dev-777.s3.amazonaws.com/
aws s3api create-bucket --acl public-read-write --bucket udagram-dev-777 --region us-east-1

To access the Database from your current computer

# create security group for the DB
aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name my-sg --description "My security group" --region us-east-1
    "GroupId": "sg-XXXXXX"

# get current public ip to access the db from the computer
curl https://checkip.amazonaws.com

# authorize the computer to connect to the db
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-name my-sg --protocol tcp --port 5432 --cidr CURRENT_IP/24 --region us-east-1

Create database

aws rds create-db-instance \
    --region us-east-1 \
    --vpc-security-group-ids SECURITY_GROUP_ID_CREATED \
    --allocated-storage 20 --db-instance-class db.t2.micro \
    --db-instance-identifier udagram-dev-db \
    --engine postgres \
    --master-username root \
    --master-user-password password

# Get database address endpoint
aws rds describe-db-instances --region us-east-1

RestAPI Backend

eb init -p "Node.js 12" --region us-east-1

eb create # select classic load balancer type

# deploy new version
eb deploy


  • Set apiHost in src/environments/environment.prod.ts
npm install -g ionic

npm install
ionic serve

ionic build --prod

Upload www folder to S3 Bucket

Course 04 - Develop & Deploy Serverless App

In this course the Serverless framework is used to deploy two apps to AWS infrastructure

  • Udagram: Built throughout the lessons (not the same as Course2). Allow the user to upload images to the app
  • Project: Users can create TODO item in the app, add information about their TODO and also an image

Deploy Project

It is required to create an account and an app in Auth0


# Install serverless
npm install -g serverless

# Install backend dependencies
npm install

Run locally

Open serverless.yml

  • Check that provider.environment.IS_OFFLINE is set to true
  • Add provider.environment._X_AMZN_TRACE_ID: 1
# Install dynamodb local server
sls dynamodb install
# Start local dynamodb
sls dynamodb start

# Run serverless app offline
sls offline

Run on AWS

  • Create IAM User (preferred) to deploy the app
  • Set aws keys in ~/.aws/credentials

Open serverless.yml

  • Check that provider.environment.IS_OFFLINE is set to false
  • Remove provider.environment._X_AMZN_TRACE_ID
  • Go to backend folder and deploy app
sls deploy -v --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE --stage=prod
  • To remove deployment
sls remove -v --aws-profile AWS_PROFILE --stage=prod


# Install client dependencies
npm install

# Start client
npm start

Configure client configs