
My VS Settings

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file naming note: VS 2013.2 - its VS 2013 with Update 2 installed, may work on VS 2013/VS 2013.1 but I can't guarantee that

To you Colour Theme for VS, please instal Visual Studio 2013 Color Theme Editor. I do not use Toos | Option | Environment | Fonts and Colors. I'm only changing font size there and that's.

For colours samples, scroll down.


R# settings for code style - like when to insert space and when to move code to new line.


Same as with R# but for VS (exported from VS 2013.2) plus few other settings like adding line numbers, opening XAML in XAML editor not Designer, how tabs for me are set up etc.


Same as with VS-2013.2-TextEditor.vssettings. However I've noticed that its not working as it should when imported to VS 2013.2.


My colour theme for VS 2013.2. Its based on Monokai Sublime theme - however with few drawbacks. Not everything can be setup same way as in Sublime :(. However I think that it's good enough and ready to be used. I've done some extra work on R# colour settings, but ITS NOT GOOD ENOUGH :) So if you are using R# colour settings then please contribute, thanks :)


Same as VS-2013.2-Monokai.vstheme but for pure VS 2013 and VS with Update 1. Not sure if it will work with VS 2012 but you can try it. DO NOT USE IT ON VS 2013.2 - there are few colours that are not imported properly as well as you will need to change extension name to vstheme to be able to import it.


C# Code Editor

C# Code Editor

JavaScript Code Editor

JavaScript Code Editor

CSS/LESS Code Editor

CSS/LESS Code Editor

HTML/Razor Code Editor

HTML/Razor Code Editor

XML/Config Code Editor

XML/Config Code Editor

VS Window

VS Window