
Simple Akka cluster using Alpakka to publish/subscribe MQTT messages to a topic using a MQTT broker.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Akka Alpakka MQTT Publish/Subscribe

Simple Akka cluster using Alpakka to publish/subscribe MQTT messages to a topic using a MQTT broker.


Gradle version 5+

Java version 1.8+


Clone the project

Open a terminal go to the location of the cloned project

First create the publisher

gradle run --args="2550"

Then create the subscriber

gradle run --args="2560"

The publisher publishes a message every 2 seconds.

The subscriber receives the message from the broker.

The MQTT broker used is:



The "application.conf" file contains all the details of the configuration. Other details such as the frequency of publishing can be changed on the scheduler defined on the StartPublisher.java file.


The Message.java, which is the message published, is serialized in the MqttPayloadConverter.java using ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream.