
Anonymized repository for double-anonymous peer-review.


Anonymized repository for double-anonymous peer-review.

The dataset comprises eight (8) columns and 1877 rows. The columns are:

  1. User: the participant anonymized by a number, i.e., User_Number.
  2. Terms Used: the query terms.
  3. Query States: the query’s classification using the taxonomy described by [1] Tibau, M., Siqueira, S. W. M., Pereira Nunes, B., Nurmikko-Fuller, T., & Manrique, R. F. (2019, July). Using query reformulation to compare learning behaviors in web search engines. In 2019 ieee 19th international conference on advanced learning technologies (icalt) (Vol. 2161-377X, p. 219-223). doi: 10.1109/ICALT.2019.00054
  4. Observation: complementary observation to better describe the user’s behaviors.
  5. OISS: the online information searching strategy classification using the framework described by [2] Reisoglu, I., Çebi, A., & Bahçekapılı, T. (2019). Online information searching behaviours: examining the impact of task complexity, information searching experience, and cognitive style. Interactive Learning Environments, 0(0), 1-18. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2019.1662456
  6. Code: the indicator classification that better describes the user’s chosen strategy, using the framework shown in [2].
  7. OISS Domain: the online information searching strategy’s domain classification, using the framework shown in [2].
  8. Verbalization: period of verbalization (1) or non-verbalization (0) observed from the participant’s performance during the Think-Aloud protocol.