Alerta Zika


Alerta Zika! is a collaborative event to explore the potential of data and technology to improve responses to the Zika virus. During this data expedition will be explored the epidemiological, environmental and social factors that explain the progress of this disease. The goal is try to answer the challenge presented by the Municipal Health Department of Rio de Janeiro: there will be a new epidemic outbreak in the summer of 2016/2017 in Rio de Janeiro?

Data can be found at


Alerta Zika! é um evento colaborativo para explorar o potencial dos dados e da tecnologia para melhorar as respostas ao Zika vírus. Durante esta expedição de dados serão explorados os fatores epidemiológicos, ambientais e sociais que explicam o avanço desta doença. Vamos tentar dar uma resposta ao desafio apresentado pela Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Rio de Janeiro que é: haverá um novo surto epidêmico no verão 2016/2017 no Rio de Janeiro?

Dados podem ser encontrados em

The Project

Objective: create a Rio de Janeiro map with a historical evolution of the Zika disease throughout time and temperature, including IDH (human development indicators) as social parameter.

Target variable: the coordinates (latitude and longitude), the dates that the cases occured, the temperature over the seasons and social development indicators of Rio regarding income, education level and longevity.

Algorithm type: clustering.

Hypothesis: demonstrating the disease propagation pattern and their correlations throughout time, city areas and weather can show where and when the disease spreads and help the city officials decide the best ways to allocate resources, the social development indicator can provide insights about its impact on the spreading pattern.

Relevant datasets: Mosquito Borne Diseases; Dados de climaticos (temperatura, umidade, pressao); Atlas Brasil.

Product: a website showing the pattern in a visual and interactive way.

Resources: R Programming; Python; Knime; PowerBI; Pentaho.