
Here you will find the driver to manipulate the ads1115 for the CCS compiler

Primary LanguageC


Here you will find the driver to manipulate the ads1115 for the CCS compiler


void writeConfig( unsigned int8 i2cAdress = 0, unsigned int16 config = 0 );

unsigned int16 readConversion( unsigned int8 i2cAdress = 0 );


Now look at an example and remember the ADDR = GND.

  1. Set config variable (see ADS1115.h)
  2. Write config (call function)
  3. Read config (call function)
#include "ADS1115.h"
#include "ADS1115.c"

unsigned int16 data = 0;
unsigned int16 config = 0;

data = 0;
config = 0;
config = ADDR_CONFIG_OS_TRUE       |
         ADDR_CONFIG_MUX_5         |
         ADDR_CONFIG_PGA_3         |
         ADDR_CONFIG_DATA_RATE_5   |
         ADDR_CONFIG_COMP_MODE_1   |
         ADDR_CONFIG_COMP_POL_1    |
         ADDR_CONFIG_COMP_LAT_1    |
writeConfig( ADDR_GND, config );
data = readConversion( ADDR_GND );

printf("%d", data);