Manage feature request could be a challenger, handle of stale data, keeping everything in one place, etc... Back to the Feature is web app that make easy creates feature requests.
- Python 3.7+
Install Pyenv:
Intall virtualenv for Pyenv:
Create and active a virtual environment.
pyenv install 3.7.0a3
pyenv virtualenv 3.7.0a3 venv
pyenv activate venv
- You need to create a databaes and user in PostgreSQL:
Create database: createdb back-to-feature-db
Create user: createuser -P -s deLorean_admin
- Create environment variables:
cp contrib/env-sample .env
- Fill environment variables defined in .env file
- Generate Key for CSRF_SESSION_KEY and SECRET using contrib:
python contrib/
Copy the output and past it at each keys in .env file