
Android Vinyl Action Figure Automation

Primary LanguageC++


Android Vinyl Action Figure Automation


See the project details at PCBWay > Projects


2.5.0 (13/07/13)

  • Add button to turn on/off the "auto mode"
  • Add function to play tones (two types)
  • Add function to play tones when changing auto mode

2.4.0 (21/05/13)

  • Do some "auto mode" improvements
  • Add control by the Serial Port
  • Create variables for head_min, head_avg, head_max, body_min etc
  • Create a perl program prototype to send commands for Arduino using serial port
  • Add sound library and a play_sound function to play sounds
  • Add 4 sounds: Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta-Ta Ta-Ta, Star Wars, Imperial March and James Bond
  • Add Ta-Ta sound to move_check function
  • Add move_monitor_left, move_monitor_right and move_monitor_center functions
  • Add MyDroid.pl script to send commands to MyDroid through Serial Port

2.3.0 (21/07/12)

  • Create "Counter" feature
  • Create "move_random()" function and added a "Rand." button to the "Free Moves" feature
  • Add the reset(1) and reset(2) functions when sleeping and waking (respectively)
  • Rewrite the reset, sleep/wake(check_sleep), check_proximity, check_count, check_bluetooth functions
  • Add commands to wake the droid as soon as any android menu was accessed
  • Do some adjusts in "Auto" movements

2.2.0 (30/06/12)

  • Create "Simon" feature
  • Add the possibility to pass two values (instead of one) by bluetooth
  • Create "reset(1)" (go to reset position) and "reset(2)" (to to last position) functions
  • Create "happy_eyes" and "angry_eyes" functions
  • Fix bug in bluetooth communication (add "noise" because of read to fast)

2.1.0 (31/05/12)

  • Create proximity sensor
  • Create Sleep feature
  • Create "Move Auto" feature
  • Create "Move Look around" command

2.0.0 (25/04/12)

  • Create control by Bluetooth

  • Create Android App:

    "Prog Moves" function "Free Moves" function

  • Change/improve commands:

    Blink eyes Reset Move Happy Move Angry Move Scary Move Say Hi Move Say Bye Move Say Yes Move Say No Move Look left Move Look right Move Turn left Move Turn right Move Point left Move Point right Move Workout arms Move Workout neck Move Workout waist Move Dance Move Random1 Move Random2 Move Check Free Moves

  • Remove control by Infrared Remote

1.0.0 (14/03/12)

  • Controled by Infrared Remote

  • When turned On:

    Blink eyes Wait for commands

  • Commands available:

    Blink eyes Reset Move Bye Move Check Move Dance1 Move Dance2 Move Look left Move Look right Move Point left Move Point right Move Random1 Move Random2 Move Say no Move Say yes Move Stand left arm Move Stand right arm Move Turn left Move Turn right Move Workout arms Move Workout neck Move Workout waist