Project to develop a ray cross indicator (RCI) quality indicator for evaluating ANT maps.
The code reads a 4 column file with coordinates (lon, lat, lon, lat) of pair of stations that were used to perform ANT. It computes the RCI indicator for the pairs and plots a Qc map. Computations are done in GMT/netcdf compatible grids. It depends on GMT for plotting and doing some initial grid computation.
This code is GPL. It can be obtained from:
The code has a built in help message that can be used to get a quick start. Just use python The input file is a 4-column file containing the stations pair coordinates.
Usage: [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Main Mandatory Options:
Those options are mandatory for the code to work.
-r RAYFILE, --rayfile=RAYFILE
Ray file with station pair coordinates.
-o PSFILE, --output=PSFILE
Ps Plot File
Optional Options:
Those options are not mandatory for the code to work.
-R REGION, --region=REGION
Region coordinates (xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax)[Default is to
X/Y cell resolution in degrees (Default is -I1.0/1.0)
-n, --no-clean Don't clean before recomputing.
-s SAMPLING, --sampling=SAMPLING
Point sampling used during ray tracing over area (km).
-m MODE, --mode=MODE
Computation mode h: hitcount, x: cross hitcount
--no-norm Do not normalize by the total number of rays in area.
-l, --length Compute rays using real length. Normally a ray passing
a cell counts 1, if this option is given, the ray will
count the amount of km it was inside the cell.
-u MAX_COLOR, --uppercolor=MAX_COLOR
Maximum of the color scale [Default is to auto-
-P, --preview Preview the file created (Default off)