
Random git enhancements

Primary LanguageShell


This is a holding area for little knick-knacks I've created to make using git easier. Right now, there's just one little enhancement, called __gitmore_ps1...


This script improves the way git branches, etc., appear on the command-line. It relies on git-completion.bash, which is part of the git source distribution, and also comes for free with brew install git bash-completion.

The purpose of this enhancement is to indicate the current branch, etc., just as __git_ps1 does now. But instead of placing the information in some fixed location, __gitmore_ps1 automatically places it immediately after the git repository's root directory, somewhere in the middle of the path. For example, if I am in the src subdirectory of my ~/work/wickdapp git project, the command-line appears like so:

mybox:~/work/wickdapp(±master)/src marcelo$ _

Note that the (±...) (the guts of which is just whatever __git_ps1 "%s" outputs) appears immediately after wickdapp, which is the root directory of the git project — i.e., the one containing .git. The remainder of the path comes after that.


  1. This was largely an exercise in familiarising myself with git-completion.bash.
  2. I find it handy to know how deep within a project's directory tree I am; it makes it slightly easier to mentally parse path references appearing in git output.
  3. It just feels right to have (±...) at the same level as .git.


  1. Install git-completion.bash
  2. Paste the contents of git-more.sh into ~/.bash_profile.
  3. Comment and uncomment pasted environment variables to taste.

Start a new shell and cd to a git repository to see the results.


  1. If you already have a customised PS1, you'll have to figure out for yourself where to slot the relevant snippet — $(__gitmore_ps1 "(±\[\e[4m\]%s\[\e[24m\])") — and remember to remove any \w or \W, since __gitmore_ps1 emulates \w.
  2. You can, of course, customise this to your heart's content. Just be careful with ANSI escapes. They must all appear inside a pair of \[...\] on the PS1=... line. Otherwise, line wrapping will go all fruity on you.


  1. Placement of the (±...) is a slightly broken when you cd into the .git directory.
  2. Broken inside submodules.