Esri Colombia ArcGIS Runtime Tools for Xamarin.Forms contains custom ControlViews and other type of component tools that enable extend Xamarin.Forms Esri ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET
Anyone can use these tools in any project by installing latest release of the Nuget Package:
- DrawingStatusView: Shows an activity indicator while map redraws.
- DrawingToolBarView: Shows a Toolbar that enables draw points, polylines, polygons and rectangles on the map.
- IndentifyView: Shows a PanelView with the attributes of features tapped on the map.
- LegendView: Shows a PanelView with a list of legend of each layer of the map.
- LogInView: Shows a View to get credentials to connect to a portal.
- ModalPanelView: Customizable modal PanelView.
- NavigationBarView: Toolbar to zoom in, zoom out or go the initial extend on the map.
- PanelView: Customizable ContentView that can be close, move around a container ContentView
- ProgressView: Shows a modal message while background tasks ends.
- TableOfContentsView: Shows a PanelView with a list of layer each of one can be switched visible on or off.
- DrawingStatusChangedBehavior
- IdentifyBehavior
- SetMapViewViewportBehavior
- ShowCalloutForGeoElementBehavior
- ViewportChangedBehavior
- GeographicCoordinateConverter
- SymbolToImageConverter
- ConfigurationInfo
- PortalConnection
- ReplicaManager