
dead simple crontab powered job scheduling for django.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


dead simple crontab powered job scheduling for django.


install via easy_install or pip

    easy_install django-crontab

add it to installed apps in django settings.py


now create a new method that should be executed by cron every 5 minutes, f.e. in myproject/myapp/cron.py

    def my_scheduled_job():

now add this to your settings.py:

    CRONJOBS = [
        ('*/5 * * * *', 'myproject.myapp.cron.my_scheduled_job')

the least to do is to run this command to add all defined jobs from CRONJOBS to crontab (of the user which you are running this command with):

    python manage.py crontab add

removing all defined jobs is straight forward

    python manage.py crontab remove


there are a bunch of setting vars to customize behavior. each of this comes with default values that should properly fit. if not, feel free to overwrite.


    • list of tuples with cron timing, the python module path to the method and optional a job specific suffix (f.e. to redirect out/err to a file)

    • default: []

    • example

          CRONJOBS = [
              ('*/5 * * * *', 'myproject.myapp.cron.my_scheduled_job'),
              ('0   0 1 * *', 'myproject.myapp.cron.other_scheduled_job'),
              ('@reboot',     'myproject.anotherapp.cron.system_reboot_job', '>> /home/john/web/logs/system_reboot_job.log'),

    • path to the crontab executable of your os
    • default: '/usr/bin/crontab'

    • the name of your django project, used to build path path to manage.py and to mark the jobs in contrab via comment for later removing
    • default is read from DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable

    • path to manage.py file (including the manage.py itself, i.e. '/home/john/web/manage.py')
    • default is build using DJANGO_PROJECT_NAME

    • path to the python interpreter executable used to run the scheduled job
    • default uses the interpreter executable used to add the jobs (via 'python manage.py crontab add')

    • something you wanne do before job gets executed.
    • default: '' (empty string)
    • example: 'echo "executing my scheduled job now" && '

    • something you wanne do after job was executed.
    • default: '' (empty string)
    • example: ' && echo "execution of my scheduled job finished"'


MIT-License, see LICENSE file.