Capstone - Shooter Game

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Shooter Game is a game that uses Phaser library to manipulate the player and enemies' movements and shoots. We can create different scenes, obstacles and logic for our enemies. This project uses Async, await to make calls to the LeaderBoard API, where name and scores are kept. I used Javascript, LeaderBoard API, Phaser 3, and Jest.

My expectations for this project

The main idea when I started the project was to create a game where the player could defeat zombies. These zombies should chase the player and throw parts of their bodies towards the player to kill him. The player and zombies should have basic movements and not be static images. I wanted it to have more scenes, so the player who killed more zombies could pass to another scene, though it wasn't possible because of the deadline to deliver the project and I let this to the next releases.

App Screenshot


Live Link Demo

Live Link Demo

Built With

  • Phaser 3
  • JavaScript
  • LeaderBoard API
  • Jest

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Text Editor (VSCode is suggested.)


  • Install git
  • Open Terminal
  • Change directory to folder to download repository
  • Use cd <file-path>
  • Run git clone
  • Install Node.js

To make any change,

  • Open related file by using text editor.

How to run your project locally

  • Change directory to javascript-capstone-shooter-game cd javascript-capstone-shooter-game
  • Install all project dependencies npm install
  • Run in your terminal npm start to start the game
  • Go to your preferred browser and open localhost:8000
  • Click the Play button and have fun

Integration tests

  • In order to test the code run in your terminal npm test

Game Controls

  • Player can move sidewards (right, left) by using the keys below:
  • Left cursor key or A key to move to the left side
  • Right cursor key or D key to move to the right side
  • Up cursor key or W key to jump
  • Space key is used to shoot towards the zombies

Game story

This game has only one scene where the player can move sidewards and jump. Zombies appear at random locations and throw their arms to defeat the player, so the player should always be moving and escape from them. You should kill as many zombies as possible because a score is kept for the ones who killed more zombies.

How to save your score

In order to save your score when your player dies, a virtual keyboard will appear on the screen, so you can use Left, Right, Up and Down cursor as well as A, D, W and S KEYs to move left, right, up and down and choose your letter names. After choose the letter press Space KEY or ENTER key to enter your name. Navigate to the END button to send your score to the LeaderBoard API.


👤 Marcelo Fernandes

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Start by:

  • Forking the project
  • Cloning the project to your local machine
  • cd into the project directory
  • Run git checkout -b your-branch-name
  • Make your contributions
  • Push your branch up to your forked repository
  • Open a Pull Request with a detailed description to the development branch of the original project for a review

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Phaser 3
  • JavaScript
  • Jest
  • LeaderBoard API
  • Kristaps Ungurs (background image)
  • Unsplash
  • Jorge Avila (Hero and zombie sprites)
  • OpenGameArt

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.