Meteor App

This is a test for your front end skills.

It consists of a meteor app, which shows a big table of meteors information with the option to open a sidebar. Said sidebar offers the option to edit that meteor's data and view comments associated with it.


The objective is to deliver a faithful implementation of provided design and prototype, with strong focus on Sass

  • The solution should be delivered as a pull request on the provided repository
  • There are no restrictions on adding, deleting or modifying files
  • Javascript is NOT required. Functionality such as perform actions on button clicking should NOT be implemented


  1. Node is required to run the solution. If it's not installed in your local environment, please download and install Node LTS (or you can use NVM or NVM for Windows, depending on you OS)
  2. Fork the repository (if you're having troubles forking: GitHub Docs - Fork a repo)
  3. Clone your new repository (if you're having troubles cloning: GitHub Docs - Cloning a repository)
  4. Go to root folder (../Switch.DevTest.HtmlCss) where you will find all files related to the project
  5. Open a terminal (on that folder) and run npm start to start the project (each time you save a scss file, a process will convert that to css and override it inside the css folder. That means that you should wait a couple of seconds before you can see your changes reflected on the screen)
  6. Open the index.html file with a browser
  7. Once you made and pushed all required changes you can ask for a pull request from your repository to the original to submit your test. (if you're having troubles creating the PR: GitHub Docs - Creating a pull request from a fork)


  • There is no restriction on the amount of commits, you can make (and push) as many as you want
  • Once you run the app, some css files might be generated, you should NOT change those files. Only scss files should be edited
  • If a new scss file is created, package.json should be updated to reflect such change
    • Example: This should be the default value for build-css inside your package.json
     "build-css": "node-sass --include-path scss scss/styles.scss css/styles.css"
    • If I add myStyle.scss to scss folder, that file should be added to build-css as follows
     "build-css": "node-sass --include-path scss scss/styles.scss css/styles.css && node-sass --include-path scss scss/myStyle.scss css/myStyle.css"



  • Figma Prototype
  • You should use provided prototype below to see the entire flow
  • While looking at the prototype
    • Click on the screen to highlight the interactions
    • Hover and click on the icons and buttons to find all interactions


  • Zeplin Design
  • All colors and layout measures are defined in Zeplin
  • You can click on any elements to see it's details on the right



  • Screen should not be less than 1200px regardless window's size
  • While scrolling vertically, app header and sidebar should remain visible


  • Scroll should be visible if needed, horizontally and vertically
  • Activity Period column should not scroll horizontally with the rest of the columns, it should be always visible at the end of the table
  • When a row is clicked it should change colors to reflect that it's selected


  • The sidebar should slide in from the left
  • All action icons at the top should have a hover state and tooltip
  • The Activity Period field should have an info icon which shows more information when pressed
  • On the comments tab, only texts and inputs should be displayed (DO NOT IMPLEMENT COMMENTS'S FUNCTIONALITY)
  • When explode button is pressed, it should change colors and the fire icon