Openbanking at Scale - Black Jack

Demo Overview

This demo focused in demonstrate in a simple and easy way how to manage a simple MSA solution for Open Banking, adding some fun playing Black Jack.

We use Red Hat Openshift Platform for deploying the apps wich are based on Red Hat middleware container runtimes like Node.js, SpringBoot and Red Hat Fuse.

Also use we use a OpenBanking API Backend called Open Bank Project.


Event: Red Hat Tech Exchange Oct 2019 - Openbank at Scale Team

Third party OSS project: OpenBankProject

How to deploy this DEMO

This demo was tested with Openshift version 4.3 and 4.4

What you will need:


Login in into your OCP cluster

oc login <ocp_api_url>

Then create the projects for Blackjack Game and Open Bank Project API (obp)

oc new-project obp-data
oc new-project obp-api
oc new-project blackjack

Install and configure ServiceMesh stuff

  1. Install ISTIO (Openshift Service Mesh) First at all you need to have Openshift Service Mesh deployed in your Cluster. Follow the steps in this link to do so:

Just install Service Mesh, don't configure Member Roles and Members. We are going to do that in the next step.

  1. Add Maistra ServiceMeshMemberRoll Once you have Service Mesh installed and running in your Openshift Cluster, you must add our projects to the Maistra Service Mesh Member Roll. Just execute the following command:

    oc create -n istio-system -f maistra-member-roll.yaml
  2. Create Istio Gateways and Virtual Services in the projects First you need to edit some values in obp-virtual-services.yaml and blackjack-virtual-services.yaml. Just need to replace the string "<YOUR_WILDCARD_OCP_CLUSTER_DOMAIN>” with your domain wildcard: Example: if your OCP DNS Wildcard is “*”, just replace "<YOUR_WILDCARD_OCP_CLUSTER_DOMAIN>” with “”. Then you can create the Gateways and VirtualServices:

    oc apply -n obp-api -f obp-virtual-services.yaml
    oc apply -n blackjack -f blackjack-virtual-services.yaml
  3. Create BlackJack and OBP public URL (Routes): We are going to route every external call through the Istio’s Service called "istio-ingressgateway”:

    oc expose -n istio-system svc/istio-ingressgateway —hostname=blackjack.<YOUR_WILDCARD_OCP_CLUSTER_DOMAIN>

Deploying the Apps

Clone git repo

git clone [](
cd blackjack/scripts/obp

Deploy OBP Data Base

oc project obp-data
oc new-app --template=postgresql-persistent --param=NAMESPACE=openshift --param=DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME=postgresql --param=POSTGRESQL_USER=obpuser --param=POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=obppassword --param=POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=obpuser --param=POSTGRESQL_VERSION=9.6

Deploy OBP API

oc project obp-api
oc create -f obp-template-demojam
oc process obp-api-example | oc create -f -

Restore data from Dump file

  1. Port forward the Portgres Pod:

    oc project obp-data
    oc get pods

    You should see something like:


    Copy the pod's name and execute :

    oc port-forward postgresql-1-pdsvc 5432:5432

    Now your local machine are listening request through "localhost:5432" just like the postgres instance where installed locally.

  2. Do the data restore: Open DBeaver desktop client Connect to DB (localhost:5432/obpuser) (Postgres 9.6 Driver) Right clic over DB > Tools > Restore Select dump file and restore More info:

  3. Add resources quota to Postgres DB

    oc set resources dc/postgresql --limits=memory=3Gi,cpu=2 -n obp-data

Deploy Blackjack APIs

oc project blackjack
oc apply -f []( -n openshift
oc new-app fuse7-java-openshift:1.4~[]( --context-dir=blackjack-status --name=blackjack-status
oc new-app fuse7-java-openshift:1.4~[]( --context-dir=blackjack-users --name=blackjack-users
oc new-app fuse7-java-openshift:1.4~[]( --context-dir=blackjack-payment --name=blackjack-payment
oc new-app fuse7-java-openshift:1.4~[]( --context-dir=blackjack-ranking --name=blackjack-ranking

Deploy Blackjack Frontend

Fork (you will need an GitHub account) Edit blackjack.js and dashboard.js (.../edit/master/public/blackjack.js and .../edit/master/public/dashboard.js) Find and change "GUID" variable value to your host. Example: var guid = 'demojam-8b2e';

Hint: if you don't know what to put en GUID variable, just edit the variable "api_url" and "api_ranking".

Commit and push

oc new-app nodejs:10~<your_git_hub_user>/blackjack.git  --context-dir=blackjack-frontend --name=blackjack-frontend


oc new-app nodejs:10~ --context-dir=blackjack-frontend --name=blackjack-frontend

Change default Services port and port-name

oc apply -f blackjack-services.yaml

Add istio side car label to Deployment Configs

oc patch -n blackjack dc/blackjack-frontend -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/metadata/annotations", "value":{"":"true"}}]' --type=json
oc patch -n blackjack dc/blackjack-payments -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/metadata/annotations", "value":{"":"true"}}]' --type=json
oc patch -n blackjack dc/blackjack-status -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/metadata/annotations", "value":{"":"true"}}]' --type=json
oc patch -n blackjack dc/blackjack-users -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/metadata/annotations", "value":{"":"true"}}]' --type=json
oc patch -n blackjack dc/blackjack-ranking -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/metadata/annotations", "value":{"":"true"}}]' --type=json
oc patch -n obp-api deployment obp-deployment -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/metadata/annotations", "value":{"":"true"}}]' --type=json
oc patch -n obp-data dc/postgresql -p '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/template/metadata/annotations", "value":{"":"true"}}]' --type=json

Adding some labels ...

oc project blackjack && \
oc label dc/blackjack-users --overwrite && \
oc label dc/blackjack-payment --overwrite && \
oc label dc/blackjack-ranking --overwrite && \
oc label dc/blackjack-status --overwrite && \
oc label dc/blackjack-frontend --overwrite && \
oc label dc/blackjack-users --overwrite && \
oc label dc/blackjack-payment --overwrite && \
oc label dc/blackjack-ranking --overwrite && \
oc label dc/blackjack-status --overwrite && \
oc label dc/blackjack-frontend --overwrite && \
oc annotate dc/blackjack-frontend,blackjack-payment,blackjack-status,blackjack-ranking
oc project obp-api && \
oc label deployment obp-deployment --overwrite && \
oc label deployment obp-deployment --overwrite
oc project obp-data && \
oc label dc/postgresql --overwrite && \
oc label dc/postgresql --overwrite

Now in the Openshift Web Console go to Developer view > Topology. The blackjack project should be look like this:

Enjoy you Black Jack Game with others now!

Go to your browser: Game: http://blackjack.apps.<YOUR_OCP_WILDCARD_DNS>/blackjack.html (this URL can be obtain from Projects > istio-system > Networking > Routes)

Top Ten users: http://blackjack.<YOUR_OCP_WILDCARD_DNS>/dashboard.html

Seervice Observability with Kiali (comunication between services):

Open Kiali's web console (Go to istio-system project > Networking > Routes > Kiali) and after some calls (bets from BlackJack Frontend UI) you should see something like this:

Optional: Create a business Dashboard with Kibana

You can create and save this log query: kubernetes.namespace_name:"blackjack" AND message:"Payment USD$”

Then you can create some Visualizations like Metric, Goal and Line and save them too.

Then you can create a Business dashboard like this:

Optional: Enable Autoscalling

In order to add autoscalling capabilities to a POD, for example a blackjack POD (payment or user services), we need to autoscale obp-api POD too and add some parameter to Postgres DB (obp-data).

  1. Add Readiness Probe & Resource Limits:
  • obp-api: /obp/v4.0.0/rate-limiting, port: 8080, initial delay: 98, timeout: 5

  • obp-api: cpu-limit: 1core, min-mem:700mb, mem-limit: 2Gi

  • blackjack-payment: /blackjack/api, port: 8080, initial delay: 50, timeout: 4

  • blackjack-payment: cpu-limit: 700mi, mem-limit: 2Gi

    oc project blackjack
    oc set probe dc/blackjack-payment --readiness --get-url=http://:8080/blackjack/api --initial-delay-seconds=30 --timeout-seconds=4
    oc set resources dc/blackjack-payment --limits=memory=2Gi,cpu=1
    oc set resources dc/blackjack-users --limits=memory=2Gi,cpu=1
  1. Change obi-api pod replicas from 1 to 2
    oc scale deployment obp-deployment --replicas=2 -n obp-api
  2. Add autoscaling to blackjack-payment dc from 2 pods to 10
    oc autoscale dc/blackjack-payment --min 2 --max 10 --cpu-percent=80 -n blackjack
    oc autoscale dc/blackjack-users --min 3 --max 10 --cpu-percent=80 -n blackjack