Microservices for Java


git clone https://github.com/marcelomrwin/msa_java.git

Change to master branch

git checkout master

Enter hola-springboot

cd hola-springboot

Build and run

mvn clean package spring-boot:run

Access URL


Using curl

curl http://localhost:8080/api/hola; echo

Verifying metrics

Run outside of maven

mvn clean package
java -jar target/hola-springboot-1.0.jar

stop application

Acess backend service

cd ../backend/

Buind and run

mvn clean package jetty:run

Test backend with curl

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/backend?greeting=Hello

Returning to hola-springboot

cd ../hola-springboot

Running with different port

mvn clean package spring-boot:run -Dserver.port=9090

Test URL


Stop backend and hola-springboot services

Navigate to hola-dropwizard

cd ../hola-dropwizard/

build project

mvn clean package

run project

mvn exec:java

test rest service


test update variable

HELLOAPP_SAYING='Hello Dropwizard inline from' mvn clean package exec:java

see metrics


Run outside of maven

mvn clean package
java -jar target/hola-dropwizard-1.0.jar server conf/application.yml

stop application

Acess backend service

cd ../backend/

Buind and run

mvn clean package jetty:run

Test backend with curl

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/backend?greeting=Hello

Navigate to hola-dropwizard

cd ../hola-dropwizard

execute with different port

mvn clean package exec:java -Ddw.server.applicationConnectors[0].port=9090

Stop backend and hola-dropwizard services

Navigate to hola-wildflyswarm

cd ../hola-wildflyswarm

start jboss forge


execute application


stop run

Ctrl + c

exit forge


Execute with maven

mvn clean package wildfly-swarm:run

test url


Execute with environment variables

WF_SWARM_SAYING='Yo man' mvn clean package wildfly-swarm:run

test url with new variable name


monitor metrics

Run outside of maven

mvn clean package
java -jar target/hola-wildflyswarm-swarm.jar

stop application

Acess backend service

cd ../backend/

Buind and run

mvn clean package jetty:run

Test backend with curl

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/api/backend?greeting=Hello

back to hola-wildflyswarm

cd ../hola-wildflyswarm

run with different port

mvn clean package wildfly-swarm:run -Dswarm.port.offset=1

Test service
