
Docker image to run and contribute with FishTest (https://github.com/glinscott/fishtest) suite

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Docker image to run and contribute with FishTest suite.

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  • Based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • Updates on the fly (every time you run your docker container, you get the latest code from fishtest repository)
  • Configurable regarding concurrency and credentials

Running FishTest

Start your image using your username and password to your container:

docker run -e username=yourUserName -e password=yourPassword marcelorodrigo/fishtest

Running with more CPU Cores

You can start the test suite with more CPU Cores with more concurrency. By default this image starts with one single core, in this example below you can start the container with 4 cores:

docker run -e concurrency=4 -e username=yourUserName -e password=yourPassword marcelorodrigo/fishtest


Some docker machines are configured to use only one CPU, and perhaps you got this error:

Not enough CPUs to run fishtest (it requires at least two)

In this case you need to modify your docker machine to use more than one CPU cores or running these commands:

docker run --cpus=2 marcelorodrigo/fishtest

We can also specify the priority of CPU allocation. The default is 1024, and higher numbers are higher priority:

docker run --cpus=2 --cpu-shares=2000 marcelorodrigo/fishtest

Similar to the memory reservation, CPU shares play the main role when computing power is scarce and needs to be divided between competing processes.