Fullstack Developer Test

This project was developed for the Umanni Fullstack Developer Test using the Ruby-on-Rails and ReactJS.

Environment Docker

Ruby: 2.7.2

Rails: 6.0.3

Database: PostgreSQL

Project API

This project was build using the devise gem for authentication an user session control, all of its routes was build inside de /api scope. If you want to take a look at the api routes you may import the fullstackdeveloper_api.json at the project root at your insomnia or postman client.

Running the project

First of all you may clone it using

git clone https://github.com/marcelosnts/Fullstack-Developer.git

This will bring you all the project structure and its dependencies files, so after that run

docker-compose build

docker-compose up -d

to turn up the container and then execute

docker exec fullstackdeveloper_web_1 rails db:create db:migrate db:seed

This will create the database, Users table and a admin user to manage the rest of created users.

Now we are ready to go! Access

// On my environment I needed to use the // Windows

You can login as admin using

User: admin@admin.com
Password: 123456

Spreadsheet import (csv)

The upload file uses the default csv configuration, the columns must be separated by ; and the header must be included at the file. You can use the import_template.csv on the project root as an example.

Tests environment

The tests was build using RSpec gem for basic model tests. To execute it run

docker exec fullstackdeveloper_web_1 rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test

And run the tests with

docker exec fullstackdeveloper_web_1 bundle exec rspec


The tests run through the creation of a fake user and validate its fields:

is valid with full_name, email, avatar_image, admin, password and password confirmation
is invalid without full_name
is invalid without email
is invalid without avatar_image
is invalid without password
is valid without admin value
is valid if the user is not admin