
Composite action that sets up Python and uv with optional caching

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This composite action wraps actions/setup-python and additionally sets up the uv package installer. It creates and activates a new virtual environment. Caching is optionally available, wrapping actions/cache.

Basic Usage

Use this action in place of actions/setup-python:

- name: Set up Python with uv
  uses: drivendataorg/setup-python-uv-action@main
    python-version: 3.12


  • python-version (string, optional): Version range or exact version of Python or PyPy to use, using SemVer's version range syntax. Reads from .python-version if unset. Passed directly to actions/setup-python.
  • cache (string, optional): If set to 'packages', will cache uv's cache directory. If set to 'venv', will cache the virtual environment. By default, no caching will happen.
  • cache-dependency-path (string, optional): Specify dependency files to hash for cache key. Supports wildcards or a list of file names separated by spaces.

See action.yml for additional details and outputs.

Full example

Here's a full example that you can see runs of here.

name: example

    branches: [main]

    name: "Example (${{ matrix.os }})"
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
        os: [ubuntu-latest, macos-latest, windows-latest]
    - uses: actions/checkout@v4

    - name: Set up Python with uv
      uses: drivendataorg/setup-python-uv-action@main
        python-version: 3.12

    - name: Install dependencies
      run: |
        uv pip install cowsay

    - name: Run Python code
      run: |
        python -c "import cowsay; cowsay.cow('Moo')"


This action supports two modes of caching:

  • packages will cache the uv package cache directory. This is where uv caches intermediate artifacts like downloaded wheels, downloaded sdists, and built wheels.
  • venv will cache the virtual environment, meaning the actual installed packages.

Caching will use the following cache keys depending on the caching mode:

  • packages: setup-python-uv-action-venv-{runner.os}-python-{python-version}(-{dependency-checksum})
  • venv: setup-python-uv-action-venv-{runner.os}-python-{python-version}(-{dependency-checksum})

The dependency-checksum is optionally appended to the cache key depending on whether you've provided any dependency paths with the optional cache-dependency-path parameter. A common pattern used with actions/setup-python is to have the cache key depend on the contents of a requirements file, like requirements.txt or pyproject.toml. The cache-dependency-path parameter accepts one or many path patterns in a space-delimited list. All contents of all files will be hashed together into the checksum. (You can see checksum.py for exactly how this is performed.) If you want to newlines to delimit your list for readability, use YAML's >- "folded style" and "stripping" multiline string indicator to automatically replace all newlines with spaces.

- name: Set up Python with uv (local source)
  uses: drivendataorg/setup-python-uv-action@main
    python-version: 3.12
    cache: packages
    cache-dependency-path: >-